Zaida Chongo Alfandega Mp3 20


Zaida Chongo Alfandega Mp3 20: A Song That Celebrates Mozambican Culture and History

If you are looking for a song that can inspire you with patriotism and pride for Mozambique, you might want to listen to Zaida Chongo Alfandega Mp3 20. This song is performed by Carlos and Zaida Chongo, a popular duo of Mozambican singers and composers. The song is part of their 2015 album Alfândega, which features eight songs that showcase their talent and versatility. In this article, we will explore the meaning and lyrics of Zaida Chongo Alfandega Mp3 20, as well as how to download and enjoy it on various platforms.

The Meaning and Lyrics of Zaida Chongo Alfandega Mp3 20

Zaida Chongo Alfandega Mp3 20 is a song that pays tribute to the Mozambican customs service, which is responsible for regulating the trade and movement of goods across the borders of the country. The song praises the customs officers for their dedication and professionalism, as well as their role in protecting the national sovereignty and economy. The song also encourages the citizens to cooperate with the customs service and to respect the laws and regulations of the country.

The lyrics of Zaida Chongo Alfandega Mp3 20 are written in Portuguese, which is the official language of Mozambique. The chorus of the song goes like this:

Alfândega, alfândega
És a porta de entrada e saída do país
Alfândega, alfândega
És a guardiã da nossa soberania
Alfândega, alfândega
És a defensora da nossa economia
Alfândega, alfândega
És a promotora do nosso desenvolvimento

The translation of the chorus is:

Customs, customs
You are the gateway to enter and exit the country
Customs, customs
You are the guardian of our sovereignty
Customs, customs
You are the defender of our economy
Customs, customs
You are the promoter of our development

The rest of the lyrics describe the various functions and duties of the customs service, such as collecting taxes, preventing smuggling, facilitating trade, enforcing health and safety standards, and supporting regional integration. The lyrics also express gratitude and appreciation to the customs officers for their hard work and sacrifice.

How to Download and Enjoy Zaida Chongo Alfandega Mp3 20 on Various Platforms

If you want to listen to Zaida Chongo Alfandega Mp3 20 on your device or online, you have several options to choose from. Here are some of them:

  • Spotify: Spotify is one of the most popular music streaming services in the world. You can listen to Zaida Chongo Alfandega Mp3 20 on Spotify by searching for it on the app or website. You can also find it on the album Alfândega by Carlos & Zaida Chongo. You can sign up for free or upgrade to a premium account for more features and benefits.
  • iTunes: iTunes is another popular music platform that allows you to buy and download songs and albums. You can find Zaida Chongo Alfandega Mp3 20 on iTunes by searching for it on the app or website. You can also find it on the album Alfândega by Carlos & Zaida Chongo. You need an Apple ID and a payment method to purchase songs and albums on iTunes.
  • YouTube: YouTube is a video-sharing platform that also hosts a lot of music content. You can watch the official video of Zaida Chongo Alfandega Mp3 20 on YouTube by searching for it on the app or website. You can also find it on the channel Global Beats, which features music from different countries and cultures. You can subscribe to the channel for more videos and updates.
  • SoundCloud: SoundCloud is an audio platform that allows you to stream and download music from various artists and genres. You can listen to Zaida Chongo Alfandega Mp3 20 on SoundCloud by searching for it on the app or website. You can also find it on the profile of Zaida Chongo, who has uploaded several songs from her albums. You can follow her profile for more music and updates.

Zaida Chongo Alfandega Mp3 20 is a song that celebrates Mozambican culture and history through its lyrics and melody. It is performed by Carlos and Zaida Chongo, a duo of talented singers and composers who have been making music since 1998. The song is part of their 2015 album Alfândega, which features eight songs that showcase their talent and versatility. If you want to listen to Zaida Chongo Alfandega Mp3 20 on your device or online, you have several options to choose from, such as Spotify, iTunes, YouTube and SoundCloud.


In conclusion, Zaida Chongo Alfandega Mp3 20 is a song that celebrates Mozambican culture and history through its lyrics and melody. It is performed by Carlos and Zaida Chongo, a duo of talented singers and composers who have been making music since 1998. The song is part of their 2015 album Alfândega, which features eight songs that showcase their talent and versatility. If you want to listen to Zaida Chongo Alfandega Mp3 20 on your device or online, you have several options to choose from, such as Spotify, iTunes, YouTube and SoundCloud. We hope that this article has helped you with learning more about this song and how to enjoy it on various platforms.[64-Bit]-[FirstUploads]


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