TerraPDF MSPractice v5.2.3 Crack Trial

TerraPDF MSPractice v5.2.3 Crack Trial


Microstation V8 Full Crack Win7 64bit

Pre Danesar Microstation V8 Full Crack Win7 64bit Microstation V8 Full Crack Win7 64bit
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How to make sure parent html element has a certain attribute, using jQuery

I am making a button which is paired with another button. They both have their own class, the first one just loads a panel, if the user hovers over a panel, it changes to the next one and so on. So the order of panels are something like this,

First Panel
Second Panel
Third Panel

The problem is, both elements have a data-attribute to keep track of which panel has been loaded.

The problem is, I want the second button to work only if its parent element has data-panel=”01″. Is there a way to achieve this?


You can use the closest() function to find the element with that data attribute and then check if it is the immediate child element.
$(‘.second-button’).live(‘click’, function() {
if ($(this).closest(‘.row’).data(‘panel’)!== ’01’) {
//Redirect or whatever you want to do here
} else {
//Continue with this

So basically, we are going to find the element with that attribute and then see if it is the immediate child element.


using a variable in a where clause

I want to use a variable in a where clause
select * from project p, category c where p.category = c.id and myvar = ‘%abc%’


Well, if you want to use a variable, you would need to convert the variable to a string.
select * from project p, category c where p.category = c.id and c.id =

Using replace with a wildcard will return all results where myvar has changed. This behavior can be changed using different patterns.

“O dominio deste item de transferência será o mesmo do destino.
Para continuar, clique em OK.”


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