Spoongraphics – Free Photoshop Actions & Graphic UX Resources







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* Adobe Photoshop

There are a multitude of reasons why someone might want to use Photoshop, or even for _why_ someone would use it to manipulate images. But right now, we are going to talk about one of the biggest reasons – making digital images fit together.

There are many places where you can get images and manipulate them, and you may use a combination of software programs that have different features to work together. This is good, as there is a lot of software out there now that, while it may not be the most popular, is probably the most powerful. So, we are going to focus on the Photoshop.com website as the main place to get Photoshop tutorials.

Once you have downloaded Photoshop, you will be able to access all of the different tutorials listed at the bottom of the page, and your work will automatically save to your computer once you are done.

Photoshop Basics

Most of the tutorials will go through the process of creating a simple image and a group of layered items that work together. In a _simple_ image, we’re going to start out with a clean, white background. To create layers in Photoshop, open an image, and then create a new canvas. Next, we’re going to load a stock photo that you want to use as the background for this image.

If you feel you would like to start the process over, you can always create a new document. Once you are in Photoshop, there should be a tab on the left-hand side that says “Layers.”

Click the tab, and you’ll see a place to add your various layer types, as seen in Figure 4-8.

After you have the basic open, you want to create a new, white, background layer and name it _Background_ for this tutorial. You can always create your own name and style later. Now you want to click and drag the photo into the Background layer; it will be overlaying it, as seen in Figure 4-9.

You can add more layers by clicking on the new button, and then selecting _Add Layer._

[Click here to view a larger image]

This will create a new layer and move the current layer down. You can now name this layer something else if you would like.

Figure 4-8: Create a new layer in Photoshop by selecting and dragging the image to make the new layer.

Figure 4

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Adobe also has a suite of “drawing” apps: Illustrator, InDesign, Freehand and Draw, which can be used to create vector graphics (including logos and web graphics) and edit photographs. This part of the suite is referred to as Adobe Draw.

Photoshop, along with other Adobe products, is available for all Windows computers. You can also download it to a virtual machine, which you can use as a portable version.

So if you don’t want to download the whole Photoshop program, you can download any of the software below, depending on your needs.

The Adobe Photoshop Suite from the Mac world

Adobe offers a suite of Mac apps for beginners and pros to use: Photoshop Creative Cloud Photography, Adobe Lightroom CC, and the Creative Cloud itself, which contains everything needed for photography and video editing. These apps can be bought for US$9.99 a month, or US$79.99 for a year, so make sure you weigh up any financial benefits!

Adobe has previously offered a one-time fee of US$399.00 for the entire suite, but only recently has it split it into monthly payments.

Not just about editing images

Adobe Photoshop is one of the most popular photo editing programs, and with Creative Cloud, you can use it for video editing too. This means that you can use your program to edit videos too.

We review Adobe Photoshop Elements, a free alternative, here:

Other photo editing programs

The picture editing market is very competitive. There are many different programs on offer, and there are many free as well as more expensive options.

Have a look below for a list of some of the more popular free image editing software.

Image editing software we like

Adobe has made quite a few photo editing programs since it was bought by Adobe in 1990. Here are some of the more popular ones:

Adobe Lightroom (Desktop version)

Adobe Lightroom is a fantastic photo editing software. If you’re new to editing images, this program is the best one for you.

You can import images from your phone, or even from the web, and then edit them. You can also group photos together and make adjustments to each image in a group.

There are many effects you can apply, and several editing tools, including a powerful selection and filter tool. When you

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Is illegal movement to an illegal destination still safe?

My character and his allies are escaping the slave markets in the city of Maract.
The slaves are being held in the Matir, a large prison-like building in the city’s outskirts.
Some of our party members are familiar with the building, having previously helped the city guard make a raid.
I have read that we are currently unable to enter the building due to the absence of the city guard, as the guards (who are all nobles) have left to follow their regular duties.
At the moment we are trying to get some slaves to be traded for supplies, as the guard left their post leaving our allies behind.
My character is being used to get some of the slaves out of the building.

The guard has left
The door I need the slaves to be traded out of was left unlocked
The entrance to the prison is easily accessible from the outside

However, the entire building is surrounded by guards (and traps):

Given this information, does it still make sense to use an alter to get the slaves into the Matir?
I feel that any character that can easily be identified as originating from the criminal underworld in Maract will attract unwanted attention to themselves.


Really depends on how important the mission is.
First of all, you’ve already established that the guard left which means no one is guarding the door. Your only concern about being identified as a criminal is true of anyone who has ever gotten an innocent getaway driver to help them steal from a rich person.
To make this as low risk as possible you will want to limit who you trade the slaves out to (i.e. within the same faction). The guards will be probably recognize you as criminals even if you’re wearing a noble’s armor because you’re a criminal and not because of where you come from. So if you don’t trade them to slaves that the guards should recognize, you won’t get in trouble.
If you feel that the trade to the guards has to be made in a location the guards will recognize, you’ll need to make sure you have trade routes built into your hideout (i.e. tunnels from the prison).
In either of these cases, it’s still risky, but without the guard on duty, the risk is somewhat lower as long as you’ve designed the hideout with sufficient security.
The first thing I would suggest

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Select string from an array

I have an array which I would like to search a string and then extract the string, my array contains the following:
book = [{
type: “sfgdgsdgsdgsdgsdgsdsdg”,
author: “Zidah”,
isbn: 1138461234
type: “sfsdf”,
author: “Zidah”
type: “fsdsaf”,
author: “Zidah”,
isbn: 1143721344

I am looking for a way to search the array for the value “Zidah” and extract the next string containing the author.
As i have many authors in my array I would like to do this in a dynamic fashion.
I have tried using Array.find() and similar but not sure where I am going wrong here.
The desired output I am looking for should be the next two strings “Zidah” and “1143721344”.


There are multiple ways to do this depending on your situation. Here’s a runnable snippet to help you understand how find() works:

var book = [{
type: “sfgdgsdgsdgsdgsdgsdsdg”,
author: “Zidah”,
isbn: 1138461234
type: “sfsdf”,
author: “Zidah”
type: “fsdsaf”,
author: “Zidah”,
isbn: 1143721344

var stringToMatch = “Zidah”;

var found = book.find(a => a.author.includes(stringToMatch));
if(found!== undefined) {
console.log(‘Found:’ + found.author)
} else {
console.log(‘Not found.’)

System Requirements For Gold Effect Photoshop Action Free Download:

* NVIDIA Geforce 8600 series GPU, or AMD Radeon HD 3870X2
* Intel Core 2 Duo Processor @ 2.20GHz
* 1GB system memory
* DVD or Blu-ray Drive
* Hard Disk drive
* Internet connection
* Sound card
* Internet Browser (MSIE 8.0 or higher)
* English language and version for this game may be available in your country
Shaiya is a 4X Strategy game where the player will take the role of



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