L Impiegato Del Comune Maggioli Pdf 21

L Impiegato Del Comune Maggioli Pdf 21


L Impiegato Del Comune Maggioli Pdf 21

What would the function “CheckPlansAssignment” be? I’m not getting an answer from the Google search. This is how to write a function to check the validity of a plan: function CheckPlansAssignment($plan) { // if no plans assigned return false; // if a plan with name “plan” exists and the last time it was assigned was between 2 months ago and the current date return false; } In the code above “plan” is a variable that holds a string of the name of a plan. How to call the function: $plan = Get-AzPlan… $plan has the name of a plan stored in it… I don’t know whether this is the right approach to this problem, but it seems to be useful to me. Thank you for any help!


Your function should return a boolean value. Your code returns another boolean value, which can be confusing.
In your code, you should change this line:
return false;

to this:
return $false;

And you should change this line:
return $true;

to this:
return $true;

After those changes, your function should look like this:
function CheckPlansAssignment($plan) {
if ($plan -eq [String]::Empty) {
return $false;

if (((Get-Date).Date.AddMonths(-$planDaysBeforeCurrentDate)) -lt (Get-Date).Date) {
return $false;

return $true;

You could write this function differently, like this:
function CheckPlansAssignment($plan) {
if ($plan -eq [String]::Empty) {
return $false;

if (((Get-Date).Date.AddMonths(-$planDaysBeforeCurrentDate)) -lt (Get-Date).Date) {
return $false;

return $true;

If you want to make sure you’re returning $true, you should change this line:
return $true;

to this:
return $true

All of

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