Fly IQ4520 Quad Flash File All Versone | Firmware | Stock Rom MT6580

Fly IQ4520 Quad Flash File All Versone | Firmware | Stock Rom MT6580


Fly IQ4520 Quad Flash File All Versone | Firmware | Stock Rom MT6580

Install the supplied USB Driver on the computer (If already installed, then skip this step). Flash the Firmware on the Fly IQ4410 Quad using the provided Flash Tool. First, Install the Firmware, then Flash the Firmware.

Get Link (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle []).push({});How to Flash or Install Firmware (ROM)

    Download and extract the Fly IQ4520 Quad stock firmware package on the computer. After extracting the package, you will be able to get the Firmware File, Flash Tool, Driver, and How-to Flash Guide. Install the provided USB Driver on the Computer (if the USB Driver is already installed, then SKIP this step). Follow the How-to Flash Manual to Flash or install the Firmware on your Fly IQ4520 Quad device.

Readme Once:

caution: in order to install the fly iq4528 firmware on this device, you may need to re-flash the device. this means that your device needs to be flashed to its latest firmware version, you need to switch to swd mode, you need to have the hex file of the firmware flashed on the device, and you need to connect the device to a usb port on the computer while holding the volume down and power buttons. once the device is successfully flashed, you will be able to download the fly iq4528 firmware on the computer. it may take a while depending on your internet speed.

the stock firmware is created to be a stable firmware. the firmware is created by the manufacturer of the handset, so it should not have any problems, and it should not cause any issues to the device. if there are any issues, the manufacturer will fix it. for example, if there are any bugs in the firmware, the manufacturer will fix them in the next firmware version.

Connect to the computer using the provided USB Drivers. Once connected, You can view the different Files found in the Stock ROM folder. Goto File Picker and upload the Flash File to your computer. Once its uploaded its time to open the File in the latest version of Flasher Tool. Follow the instructions in the image below to install the Flash File on your Fly IQ4520 Quad.
Follow the instructions to see if the Flash File is installed successfully. If you cannot find the flash file on your computer, Go to File Picker and upload it and follow the steps described above. Once you have flashed the Stock ROM file, you should now be able to use the device and use internet.
The firmware testing above is done under Linux using the correct and available files. If you do not have access to Linux, then you can do the same testing from the Win32 operating system using the Win32 Flash Download Tool in the link below
If you look at all the sample firmware files available on this page of XDA-Firmware, you can see that there are real and imaginary versions. There are various reasons for offering imaginary versions of firmware, and one example might be that the main purpose of this firmware is for lab testing and development purposes. Another example is the fact that each individual can have his own preferences in hardware, software, and network connections, so a software developer might release a virtual version for testing purposes, and some debug versions are also released for developers. For the current version of the firmware, we recommend that you download the actual release version released by the developer on the site itself. In fact, you can always test before upgrading to a real version.

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