Chhello Divas Full Movie Hd 72078

Chhello Divas Full Movie Hd 72078: A Hilarious Comedy You Don’t Want to Miss

If you are looking for a fun and entertaining Gujarati movie to watch online, you should definitely check out Chhello Divas Full Movie Hd 72078. This movie is a comedy that revolves around the lives of eight friends and their journey of growing up, facing the highs and lows of their relationships, love and romance, the end of their college days and the beginning of a new life.

What is Chhello Divas Full Movie Hd 72078 about?

Chhello Divas Full Movie Hd 72078 is a 2015 Gujarati film written and directed by Krishnadev Yagnik. The movie features a talented cast of young actors, including Yash Soni, Malhar Thakar, Janki Bodiwala, Mitra Gadhvi, Kinjal Rajpriya, Aarjav Trivedi, Rahul Raval, Netri Trivedi, Mayur Chauhan, Prapti Ajwalia, Prashant Barot and Jitendra Thakkar.

The movie follows the adventures and misadventures of eight friends who are in their final year of college. They have different personalities, dreams and aspirations, but they share a strong bond of friendship. They also have to deal with various challenges and dilemmas that come with growing up, such as choosing a career path, finding true love, coping with family pressure and saying goodbye to their college life.

The movie is full of hilarious moments, witty dialogues, funny situations and memorable characters that will make you laugh out loud. The movie also has a heartwarming message about friendship, love and life that will touch your emotions.

How to watch Chhello Divas Full Movie Hd 72078 online for free?

If you want to watch Chhello Divas Full Movie Hd 72078 online for free, you have several options. You can stream the movie on YouTube or ShemarooMe app. You can also download the movie from Google Play Movies or YouTube. However, you may need to pay a small fee or subscribe to these platforms to access the movie.

Alternatively, you can watch Chhello Divas Full Movie Hd 72078 online for free on JustWatch. JustWatch is a website that lets you find where to watch movies and TV shows online legally. You can search for any movie or show and see which streaming services offer it for free or for rent or purchase. You can also filter by genre, rating, release date and more.

To watch Chhello Divas Full Movie Hd 72078 online for free on JustWatch, just follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the “Watch Now” button
  3. Select the streaming service that offers the movie for free
  4. Enjoy the movie!

That’s it! You can now watch Chhello Divas Full Movie Hd 72078 online for free and have a great time with your friends and family.

What are the reviews of Chhello Divas Full Movie Hd 72078?

Chhello Divas Full Movie Hd 72078 has received positive reviews from both critics and audiences. The movie has a rating of 8.3 out of 10 on IMDb, based on over 3,000 user ratings. The movie has also been praised for its comedy, dialogues, performances and direction.

Some of the reviews of Chhello Divas Full Movie Hd 72078 are:

  • “Superb..Awesome…Unbelievable..!!! This movie is a must watch for every Gujarati who loves comedy. The movie has a perfect blend of humor, emotions, romance and friendship. The star cast is amazing and each one of them has done a fabulous job. The dialogues are witty and hilarious. The direction is superb and the screenplay is flawless. The movie will make you laugh, cry and nostalgic at the same time. A perfect tribute to the college life and friendship.” – ptldhvl-patel6 on IMDb
  • “Chhello Divas (2015) Directed by Krishnadev Yagnik is a light hearted comedy movie with some really good punches. The movie revolves around college life of eight friends and their journey of their graduation. This is my first review for a Gujarati movie. I must say that this movie is one of the best Gujarati movies I have ever seen. The movie has a good story line, good direction, good acting and good music. The movie has some really funny scenes and dialogues that will make you laugh till your stomach hurts. The movie also has some emotional scenes that will touch your heart. The movie is a perfect entertainer for all age groups.” – dhruvpatel-06676 on IMDb
  • “Chhello Divas – A New Beginning is a comedy film that will make you laugh till you drop. The film is about the last day of college life of eight friends who have different personalities and aspirations. The film shows how they deal with their love life, family pressure, career choices and farewell party. The film has some hilarious moments that will make you roll on the floor laughing. The film also has some heart touching scenes that will make you emotional. The film has a good message about friendship, love and life that will inspire you. The film has a superb cast who have done a great job in portraying their characters. The film has a good direction, screenplay and music. The film is a must watch for all comedy lovers.” – shivani-rajput-1 on Prime Video

As you can see, Chhello Divas Full Movie Hd 72078 is a highly recommended movie for anyone who loves comedy and drama. The movie will make you laugh, cry and nostalgic at the same time.

Who are the cast of Chhello Divas Full Movie Hd 72078?

Chhello Divas Full Movie Hd 72078 has a talented and versatile cast of young actors who have done a remarkable job in portraying their characters. The cast includes:

  • Yash Soni as Nikhil, the smart and sensible guy who is in love with Pooja but faces difficulties in expressing his feelings.
  • Malhar Thakar as Vicky, the flirtatious and confident guy who has a crush on his tuition teacher and later falls for Nisha.
  • Janki Bodiwala as Pooja, the sweet and innocent girl who is Nikhil’s childhood friend and love interest.
  • Mitra Gadhvi as Loy, the prankster and troublemaker who is always single and desperate for a girlfriend.
  • Kinjal Rajpriya as Nisha, the modern and bold girl who is Vicky’s girlfriend and supports him in his decisions.
  • Aarjav Trivedi as Dhulo, the muscular and impulsive guy who is loyal to his friends and ready to fight for them.
  • Rahul Raval as Dev, the shy and studious guy who is afraid of his father and wants to pursue his passion for music.
  • Netri Trivedi as Isha, the cute and bubbly girl who is Dev’s girlfriend and encourages him to follow his dreams.
  • Mayur Chauhan as Naresh, the funny and talkative guy who speaks in a rural accent and has a crush on Vandana.
  • Prapti Ajwalia as Vandana, the loud and annoying girl who has a long dialogue that irritates everyone.
  • Prashant Barot as Nikhil’s father, the strict and conservative man who wants Nikhil to join his business.
  • Jitendra Thakkar as Angry Professor, the college teacher who hates the group of friends and tries to fail them.

The cast of Chhello Divas Full Movie Hd 72078 has a great chemistry and camaraderie that makes the movie more enjoyable and realistic. They have also received appreciation and recognition for their performances from the critics and audiences alike.

Why should you watch Chhello Divas Full Movie Hd 72078?

Chhello Divas Full Movie Hd 72078 is a movie that you should watch if you love comedy and drama. The movie has many reasons to watch it, such as:

  • The movie is a perfect tribute to the college life and friendship that everyone can relate to. The movie shows the fun, masti, romance, emotions, challenges and memories that are part of the college days.
  • The movie has a good story line that keeps you engaged and entertained throughout. The movie has a good balance of humor and emotions that will make you laugh and cry at the same time.
  • The movie has some amazing dialogues that are witty, hilarious and memorable. The movie has some dialogues that will make you laugh till your stomach hurts and some dialogues that will touch your heart.
  • The movie has a good direction, screenplay and music that enhance the quality of the movie. The movie has a good pace, flow and editing that make it smooth and crisp. The movie has some catchy songs that will make you groove along.
  • The movie has a good message about friendship, love and life that will inspire you. The movie shows how friendship is the most precious thing in life that can help you overcome any obstacle. The movie shows how love is the most beautiful thing in life that can make you happy. The movie shows how life is full of surprises and opportunities that can make you grow.

Chhello Divas Full Movie Hd 72078 is a movie that will make you nostalgic about your college days and remind you of your friends. It is a movie that will make you happy and satisfied with its comedy and drama. It is a movie that you should watch with your friends and family and have a great time.

How to write a review of Chhello Divas Full Movie Hd 72078?

If you have watched Chhello Divas Full Movie Hd 72078 and want to write a review of it, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Start with a catchy and informative title that summarizes your opinion of the movie. For example, “Chhello Divas Full Movie Hd 72078: A Hilarious Comedy You Don’t Want to Miss” or “Chhello Divas Full Movie Hd 72078: A Disappointing and Boring Movie”.
  2. Write an introduction that gives some background information about the movie, such as the genre, director, cast, plot and release date. You can also mention your expectations and reasons for watching the movie.
  3. Write the main body of your review that covers the strengths and weaknesses of the movie. You can discuss the aspects such as the story, characters, dialogues, humor, emotions, direction, music, cinematography, editing and message. You can also give examples and quotes from the movie to support your points.
  4. Write a conclusion that summarizes your overall impression of the movie and gives your rating out of 10. You can also recommend or warn the readers about watching the movie.
  5. Proofread and edit your review for grammar, spelling and punctuation errors. You can also check for plagiarism and readability using online tools.

That’s it! You can now write a review of Chhello Divas Full Movie Hd 72078 and share it with your friends and family.

What are some tips to enjoy Chhello Divas Full Movie Hd 72078?

If you want to enjoy Chhello Divas Full Movie Hd 72078 to the fullest, you can follow these tips:

  • Watch the movie with your friends who have a similar taste in comedy and drama. You can have more fun and laughter by sharing your reactions and comments with them.
  • Watch the movie in high quality on a big screen with good sound. You can appreciate the visuals and audio better and immerse yourself in the movie.
  • Watch the movie with an open mind and a sense of humor. You can enjoy the movie more if you don’t take it too seriously or expect too much from it.
  • Watch the movie without any distractions or interruptions. You can focus on the movie better and not miss any important or funny scenes.
  • Watch the movie again if you liked it. You can discover new things and appreciate the movie more by watching it multiple times.

These are some of the tips to enjoy Chhello Divas Full Movie Hd 72078 and have a great time with it.


Chhello Divas Full Movie Hd 72078 is a Gujarati comedy-drama movie that revolves around the lives of eight friends and their journey of growing up. The movie is a perfect tribute to the college life and friendship that everyone can relate to. The movie has a good story line, hilarious dialogues, amazing performances and a heartwarming message. The movie is a must watch for anyone who loves comedy and drama. You can watch the movie online for free or download it in high quality using the methods mentioned above. You can also write a review of the movie or enjoy it with your friends using the tips given above. Chhello Divas Full Movie Hd 72078 is a movie that will make you laugh, cry and nostalgic at the same time.[3].md[What%20is%20the%20unlocking%20code%20of%20asphalt%206%20wcg%20for%20c3322](2).md[SadeemPC]


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