Carslaw And Jaeger 1959 Pdf Zip

Carslaw And Jaeger 1959 Pdf Zip


Carslaw And Jaeger 1959 Pdf Zip

the collaboration continued in other areas. a visit to japan in 1938 was followed by a visit to the united states in 1940 and the colloquium on operational methods at the university of pennsylvania in the summer of 1941. the latter was attended by ‘a large number of theoretical physicists, an interesting collection, including schrödinger, dirac, landau and heisenberg. the operational aspects of quantisation are interesting, as are the subtleties of the bohr-sommerfeld-wilson rules. in particular, we discussed the relationship between the schrödinger and heisenberg pictures. heisenberg had given a talk at the meeting a few days earlier, which is reproduced in a later paper by heisenberg and schödinger. i was the first to show that the schrödinger picture could be obtained from the heisenberg picture by a procedure analogous to the application of the principle of superposition to the time-dependent hamiltonian operator’. a little later, during the war, he collaborated with professor k.n. toomre on the modelling of velocity dependent resistance in sandstone, using the thermoelastic theory of propagation. it is interesting to reflect that such a collaboration, which lasted for several years, was carried out between a theoretical mathematician and a theoretical physicist. their joint paper was published in the proceedings of the american academy of arts and sciences (1946) and in the same year the operational methods book was reprinted by wiley. i was strongly attracted to jaeger’s ideas and approached him about the possibility of a collaboration on the modelling of fracture. he was not enthusiastic at first, but then became so and we talked on the phone every week for a year. eventually we collaborated in a paper entitled some new techniques for the practical design of structures’ which was published in journal of the indian institute of science (1947).

in the early 1950’s, jaeger and carslaw’s interests led them towards a new area of investigation, the study of the evolution of patterns in liquids and gases. it was then that they initiated the study of the so-called convection-diffusion equation, which was to develop into the theory of the theory of plume dispersion in the 1980’s. this was a seminal paper in the history of the application of mathematics to the study of natural systems and it has had an impact on many subsequent developments. it was the first paper that was published by this group, and it was carslaw who proposed the name ‘convection-diffusion’ and who carried out the analytical work. the first article was published in 1950, and a second in 1952. it is the second of these that seems to have been responsible for the new journal, first published in 1954.
in the early 1950’s, carslaw, jaeger and stacey began to work on the question of why the earth’s magnetic field was concentrated in an area around the equator. they showed that this could be accounted for by the near-equality of the magnetic and electric fields in the earth’s interior; this was the ‘q-c’ theory. they also showed that the magnetic field in the atmosphere was affected by the atmosphere’s electrical conductivity and that this effect could be related to the earth’s rotation.
in later years jaeger was very concerned with the problems of the new international style buildings which were then being constructed in his own national standards laboratory and he was also closely concerned with the problem of the growing size of the radiation shields protecting the nuclear reactors at the hanford site in washington state. he was also a member of the panel of the international commission on radiological protection and the international atomic energy agency and he had a special interest in the safety of nuclear reactors. he attended the fifth international conference on radiological protection in paris in 1974 and published papers thereon and at the sixth in 1978. he was also concerned with the problems of high-rise buildings and the earthquake hazard, and had a series of interesting papers on the effect of earthquakes on buildings.

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