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Filesonic is another well-established site that is well-known to provide high-quality torrents and other downloads. A well-designed website that is easy-to-navigate, the site caters to various users, including beginners. In addition, it also lets you download various types of torrents such as movies, games, and music.

With a lot of websites and torrents available on the internet, it is really difficult to find which one is best suited for you. Considering this, some of the web hosts provide you with a free (for 30 days) account so that you can use their service and tell them which one you prefer.

There are several torrent sites on the web and its almost impossible to find a single website that can satisfy your needs. So, for your convenience, we have compiled the best torrent sites as a list that you can use to download games, movies, apps and other useful things for free on the web. Check them out and grab some extra fun from the internet.

The Pirate Bay is the worlds number 1 torrent site available and is also the most used torrent search engine in the world. It servers support SSL encryption. In other words, its a safe site for transferring files and download torrent files and magnets without having to worry about viruses. It is not limited to just e-books but also has got other category torrents like games, movies, TV shows, music and many more.

The Pirate Bay is the worlds number 1 torrent site available and is also the most used torrent search engine in the world. It servers support SSL encryption. In other words, its a safe site for transferring files and download torrent files and magnets without having to worry about viruses. It is not limited to just e-books but also has got other category torrents like games, movies, TV shows, music and many more.


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