Download Gb Whatsapp On Google Play Store

How to Download GB WhatsApp on Google Play Store

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world, with over 2 billion users. However, some users may want more features and customization options than the official app offers. That’s where GB WhatsApp comes in.

What is GB WhatsApp and Why Use It?

GB WhatsApp is a modified version of the original WhatsApp app that offers improved features and breaks limitations set by the original app. The most notable feature of GB WhatsApp is the ability to use two WhatsApp accounts on a single device. Other features include a Dark theme, Custom themes, a Hidden chat feature, a Story Download option, Animated stickers, send larger files, hide your online status, hide your message using the hidden message ticks, Share more than ten photos simultaneously, and more. GB WhatsApp also lets you auto-reply to conversations, Schedule WhatsApp messages, send high-resolution pictures, the Anti-revoke messages feature, Download Statuses, 600 people in the broadcast group, and more.

Features of GB WhatsApp

Here are some of the features that make GB WhatsApp stand out from the original app:

  • DND Mode: This mode lets you disable internet access for GB WhatsApp only, so you can use other apps without being disturbed by notifications.
  • Hiding Options: You can hide your last seen, blue ticks, second ticks, typing status, recording status, and online status from specific contacts or everyone.
  • Anti-Revoke Messages: This feature prevents others from deleting messages they sent to you. You can still read them even if they are deleted from their end.
  • Message Scheduler: You can schedule messages to be sent at a specific date and time to any contact or group. This is useful for sending birthday wishes, reminders, or greetings.
  • Status Downloader: You can download any status (photo or video) from your contacts and save it to your gallery.
  • Custom Themes: You can change the look and feel of GB WhatsApp by applying different themes from a huge collection. You can also create your own theme and share it with others.
  • Larger Media Sharing: You can send up to 90 images at once and up to 50 MB of video files. You can also send audio files up to 100 MB and documents up to 50 MB.
  • More Emojis and Stickers: You can access more emojis and stickers than the original app. You can also use animated stickers and GIFs.

Risks of GB WhatsApp

While GB WhatsApp may seem tempting with its extra features, it also comes with some risks that you should be aware of before using it. Here are some of the risks associated with GB WhatsApp:

  • Lack of Official License: GB WhatsApp is not an official app and does not have a license from Google Play Store or Android. This means that it may not be compatible with your device or operating system. It may also contain malware or viruses that could harm your device or data.
  • Lack of End-to-End Encryption: GB WhatsApp does not guarantee end-to-end encryption for your messages and calls. This means that your data may not be secure and could be accessed by third parties. You may also lose your privacy and confidentiality when using this app.
  • Violation of Google Play Policies: GB WhatsApp violates Google Play policies and terms of service. This means that you may face legal consequences or penalties for using this app. You may also get banned or suspended from using the original WhatsApp app if you are detected using GB WhatsApp.How to Download and Install GB WhatsApp from Google Play Store

    If you are still interested in using GB WhatsApp despite the risks, you will need to download and install it from a third-party source, as it is not available on Google Play Store. Here are the steps to follow:

    Step 1: Enable Unknown Sources

    Before you can install GB WhatsApp, you will need to enable the option to install apps from unknown sources on your device. This will allow you to install apps that are not from Google Play Store. To do this, go to Settings > Security > Unknown Sources and toggle it on. You may see a warning message, but you can ignore it and proceed.

    Step 2: Download GB WhatsApp APK File

    Next, you will need to download the GB WhatsApp APK file from a reliable source. You can search for it on Google or use this link to download the latest version. Make sure you download the file from a trusted website and scan it for viruses before installing it.

    Step 3: Install GB WhatsApp APK File

    Once you have downloaded the GB WhatsApp APK file, you can install it by tapping on it and following the instructions on the screen. You may see a prompt asking you to allow the app to access your contacts, photos, media, and files. You can grant these permissions if you want to use the app’s features. You may also see a prompt asking you to allow the app to make and manage phone calls. You can deny this permission if you are concerned about your privacy.

    Step 4: Verify Your Phone Number and Restore Your Chats

    After installing GB WhatsApp, you can open it and verify your phone number. You can use the same number as your original WhatsApp account or a different one if you want to use two accounts on one device. You will receive a verification code via SMS or a phone call. Enter the code and proceed. You will then see an option to restore your chats from a backup. You can choose to restore your chats if you have previously backed them up using Google Drive or your local storage. Alternatively, you can skip this step and start fresh.

    How to Update GB WhatsApp to the Latest Version

    Since GB WhatsApp is not an official app, it does not receive automatic updates from Google Play Store. You will need to manually update it whenever a new version is released. To do this, you can follow these steps:

    • Go to Settings > Chats > Backup and backup your chats.
    • Go to Settings > Apps > GB WhatsApp and uninstall the app.
    • Download the latest version of GB WhatsApp APK file from a trusted source.
    • Install the APK file as described in Step 3 above.
    • Verify your phone number and restore your chats as described in Step 4 above.


    GB WhatsApp is a modified version of the original WhatsApp app that offers more features and customization options. However, it also comes with some risks such as lack of official license, lack of end-to-end encryption, violation of Google Play policies, and potential malware or viruses. If you decide to use GB WhatsApp, you will need to download and install it from a third-party source, as it is not available on Google Play Store. You will also need to manually update it whenever a new version is released. In this article, we have explained how to download and install GB WhatsApp from Google Play Store, as well as how to update it to the latest version.


    Here are some frequently asked questions about GB WhatsApp:

    1. Is GB WhatsApp safe?
      No, GB WhatsApp is not safe as it is not an official app and does not have a license from Google Play Store or Android. It may contain malware or viruses that could harm your device or data. It also does not guarantee end-to-end encryption for your messages and calls, which means that your data may not be secure and could be accessed by third parties.
    2. Is GB WhatsApp legal?
      No, GB WhatsApp is not legal as it violates Google Play policies and terms of service. You may face legal consequences or penalties for using this app. You may also get banned or suspended from using the original WhatsApp app if you are detected using GB WhatsApp.
    3. Can I use two WhatsApp accounts on one device with GB WhatsApp?
      Yes, you can use two WhatsApp accounts on one device with GB WhatsApp. You can use the same number as your original WhatsApp account or a different one if you want to use two accounts on one device.
    4. How can I switch between GB WhatsApp and original WhatsApp?
      You can switch between GB WhatsApp and original WhatsApp by tapping on the app icon on your home screen or app drawer. You can also use a third-party app launcher or a dual app feature to create shortcuts for both apps.
    5. What are the alternatives to GB WhatsApp?
      If you are looking for alternatives to GB WhatsApp that offer more features and customization options, you can try other modified versions of WhatsApp such as FM WhatsApp, Yo WhatsApp, WhatsApp Plus, or OG WhatsApp. However, these apps also come with similar risks as GB WhatsApp, so use them at your own discretion.


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