60 Seconds Apk 1.3.121 ((TOP)) Download

60 Seconds APK 1.3.121 Download: A Comedy Atomic Adventure of Scavenge and Survival

Do you like games that test your skills, decision-making, and luck? Do you enjoy dark humor and post-apocalyptic scenarios? If you answered yes to both questions, then you might want to try 60 Seconds APK, a game that combines comedy and survival in a unique way.

What is 60 Seconds APK?

A brief introduction to the game and its features

60 Seconds APK is an Android version of the popular PC game 60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure, developed by Robot Gentleman. It is a game that simulates what would happen if a nuclear bomb was about to hit your neighborhood. You have only 60 seconds to grab whatever you can from your house and take it to your fallout shelter, along with your family members. Then, you have to survive in the shelter for as long as possible, facing various challenges and events.

The game features:

  • Randomized scenarios and outcomes that make each playthrough different
  • Multiple characters with different personalities and traits
  • Various items and resources that can help or hinder your survival
  • Multiple endings depending on your choices and actions
  • Creative graphics and sound effects that create a humorous atmosphere

How to download and install the apk file on your Android device

If you want to play 60 Seconds APK on your Android device, you need to download and install the apk file from a reliable source. Here are the steps to do so:

  1. Go to [this link](^1^) and click on “Download APK (21 MB)”
  2. Wait for the download to finish and then open the file
  3. Allow installation from unknown sources if prompted
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen to install the game
  5. Launch the game and enjoy!

How to play 60 Seconds APK?

The main modes of the game: Survival, Scavenge, and Apocalypse

The game has three main modes that you can choose from:

  • Survival: This is the default mode where you start in the fallout shelter with whatever you managed to grab in 60 seconds. You have to ration your food and water, deal with random events, and make difficult decisions that will affect your survival.
  • Scavenge: This is the mode where you only play the 60 seconds part of the game. You have to run around your house and collect as many items and family members as possible before the bomb hits. You can choose from different difficulty levels and house layouts.
  • Apocalypse: This is the mode where you play both parts of the game in one go. You have to scavenge for items and then survive in the shelter. This is the most challenging mode of the game.

The gameplay mechanics and tips for each mode

The gameplay mechanics of 60 Seconds APK are simple but challenging. Here are some tips for each mode:

  • Survival:
    • Check your journal every day for updates on your family’s status, events, and tasks. You can also write notes and draw pictures on it.
    • Use the radio to communicate with other survivors, get news and weather updates, and find opportunities for rescue or exploration.
    • Use the map to send your family members on expeditions outside the shelter. You can find useful items, encounter other survivors, or face dangers. Be careful not to exhaust or injure your family members.
    • Use the first aid kit, the axe, the gun, the bug spray, and the padlock to deal with various situations, such as injuries, infections, raids, mutants, and pests. Be careful not to waste or lose these items.
    • Keep your family members fed and hydrated, but don’t overdo it. You can survive for a few days without food or water, but not too long. You can also use the soup cans as currency to trade with other survivors.
    • Keep your family members sane and happy, but don’t spoil them. You can use the harmonica, the cards, the checkers, and the chessboard to entertain them. You can also talk to them, hug them, or discipline them.
  • Scavenge:
    • Use the arrow keys or the mouse to move around your house and collect items. You can also use the spacebar or the left mouse button to interact with objects and people.
    • Use the backpack icon at the bottom of the screen to see what items you have collected. You can also use the trash icon to drop items you don’t need.
    • Use the timer at the top of the screen to see how much time you have left before the bomb hits. You can also use the pause button to pause the game and plan your strategy.
    • Try to collect as many essential items as possible, such as food, water, first aid kit, radio, map, etc. You can also collect optional items that can help you in survival mode, such as weapons, tools, games, etc.
    • Try to collect all your family members and take them to the shelter. You can also collect your pet if you have one. You can also leave some family members behind if you want to save space or resources.
  • Apocalypse:
    • This mode combines both survival and scavenge modes in one playthrough. You have to balance between collecting items and surviving in the shelter.
    • This mode is more difficult than the other modes because you have less time to scavenge and more events to deal with in survival mode.
    • This mode is more rewarding than the other modes because you can unlock more endings and achievements based on your performance.

Why should you play 60 Seconds APK?

The benefits of playing the game, such as fun, challenge, and replay value

60 Seconds APK is a game that offers many benefits for players who enjoy comedy and survival games. Some of these benefits are:

  • Fun: The game is full of humor and satire that make fun of the nuclear war scenario and its consequences. The game also has quirky characters and events that make you laugh or cringe.
  • Challenge: The game is not easy to master and requires skill, strategy, and luck. The game also has different difficulty levels and modes that test your abilities and adaptability.
  • Replay value: The game is different every time you play it because of its randomization and variation. The game also has multiple endings and achievements that depend on your choices and actions.

The drawbacks of playing the game, such as bugs, glitches, and compatibility issues

60 Seconds APK is not a perfect game and has some drawbacks that might affect your enjoyment of it. Some of these drawbacks are:

  • Bugs: The game might have some bugs that cause errors or crashes during gameplay. For example, some players have reported that their items disappear or their family members die for no reason.
  • Glitches: The game might have some glitches that affect its graphics or sound effects. For example, some players have reported that their characters look distorted or their voices sound distorted.
  • Compatibility issues: The game might not work well on some Android devices or versions. For example, some players have reported that their game lags or freezes on their devices.


60 Seconds APK is a game that lets you experience the thrill and humor of surviving a nuclear apocalypse. You have to scavenge for items and family members in 60 seconds, and then survive in a fallout shelter for as long as possible. The game has different modes, scenarios, and endings that make it fun, challenging, and replayable. The game also has some drawbacks, such as bugs, glitches, and compatibility issues, that might affect its performance and quality. Overall, 60 Seconds APK is a game that we recommend for anyone who likes comedy and survival games.


Five unique questions and answers about the game

Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about 60 Seconds APK:

  1. Q: How much does the game cost?
  2. A: The game is free to download and play on Android devices. However, the game might have some ads or in-app purchases that require real money.
  3. Q: Is the game suitable for children?
  4. A: The game is rated 12+ on Google Play Store, which means it contains moderate violence, horror, and profanity. The game also has some themes and situations that might be disturbing or inappropriate for younger audiences. Therefore, parental guidance is advised.
  5. Q: How can I save my progress in the game?
  6. A: The game automatically saves your progress at the end of each day in survival mode. You can also manually save your progress by using the floppy disk icon at the bottom of the screen. You can load your saved progress by using the load icon at the main menu.
  7. Q: How can I get more endings and achievements in the game?
  8. A: The game has multiple endings and achievements that depend on your choices and actions in survival mode. You can get different endings by surviving for a certain number of days, getting rescued by different factions, or dying in different ways. You can get different achievements by completing certain tasks, such as collecting all items, exploring all locations, or meeting all characters.
  9. Q: How can I contact the developers of the game?
  10. A: You can contact the developers of the game by visiting their official website [here], or by following them on their social media accounts [here] and [here]. You can also send them feedback, suggestions, or bug reports by using the contact form on their website.


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