Vikramathithan Vethalam Story Tamil Pdf 30 [BEST]


Vikramathithan Vethalam Story Tamil PDF 30: A Classic Tale of Wisdom and Adventure

If you are looking for a captivating and inspiring story in Tamil, you should not miss Vikramathithan Vethalam Story Tamil PDF 30. This is one of the most popular stories in the Vikramathithan Vethalam series, which features the adventures of King Vikramaditya and a clever ghost called Vethalam.

In this story, Vikramaditya is challenged by a sage to bring Vethalam from a cemetery and listen to his stories on the way. However, Vethalam is not an ordinary ghost. He has a lot of knowledge and cunning, and he poses tricky questions to Vikramaditya at the end of each story. If Vikramaditya answers correctly, Vethalam will escape and return to the cemetery. If he answers wrongly or remains silent, his head will burst into pieces.

Will Vikramaditya be able to complete his task and prove his wisdom? What are the stories that Vethalam tells him? How will he deal with the moral dilemmas and ethical quandaries that Vethalam presents him with? You will find out all these and more in Vikramathithan Vethalam Story Tamil PDF 30.

Vikramathithan Vethalam Story Tamil PDF 30 is a classic tale that has been enjoyed by generations of Tamil readers. It is not only entertaining, but also educational and enlightening. It teaches us about the values of courage, honesty, justice, compassion, loyalty, and friendship. It also shows us the importance of using our intelligence and reasoning skills to solve problems and make decisions.

You can download Vikramathithan Vethalam Story Tamil PDF 30 from the link below and read it on your device or print it out. You will surely love this story and learn a lot from it.

The Plot of Vikramathithan Vethalam Story Tamil PDF 30

Vikramathithan Vethalam Story Tamil PDF 30 is based on the 30th story that Vethalam tells Vikramaditya on their way to the sage. The story is about a king named Veerabahu, who was very brave and generous. He had a loyal minister named Gunasekara, who was also very wise and honest.

One day, Veerabahu decided to go hunting in the forest with his minister and some soldiers. He saw a deer and chased it, but lost his way in the woods. He came across a beautiful lake, where he saw a lovely maiden bathing. He was enchanted by her beauty and asked her who she was. She said she was Hishika, the daughter of Kandharva, a celestial being. She said she had come to the lake to perform a ritual for her father’s health.

Veerabahu fell in love with Hishika and asked her to marry him. She agreed, but on one condition: he had to promise that he would never doubt her or question her actions. He readily agreed and took her to his palace. They lived happily for some time, until one day, Hishika told him that she had to go back to the lake for another ritual. She asked him not to follow her or spy on her.

Veerabahu trusted his wife and let her go. However, his minister Gunasekara was suspicious of her and decided to follow her secretly. He saw her meeting a handsome young man at the lake and embracing him. He was shocked and angry, and he rushed back to inform the king.

When he told Veerabahu what he had seen, the king was furious and refused to believe him. He accused him of lying and trying to ruin his marriage. He ordered him to be executed immediately. Gunasekara pleaded with him to verify the truth before killing him, but Veerabahu was blinded by his love and anger.

Meanwhile, Hishika returned to the palace and saw that her husband was very upset. She asked him what was wrong, and he told her what Gunasekara had said. She smiled and explained that the young man he had seen was her brother, who had come to visit her from heaven. She said she had not told him about him because she did not want to trouble him with unnecessary details.

She then showed him a letter from her father, confirming her story. She also showed him a divine necklace that her brother had given her as a gift. She asked him if he still doubted her or questioned her actions.

Veerabahu realized his mistake and felt ashamed of himself. He begged for her forgiveness and confessed that he had killed his minister without verifying the truth. He said he had broken his promise and betrayed his loyal friend.

Hishika was shocked and saddened by his actions. She said he had committed a grave sin and deserved to be punished. She said she could not live with him anymore and decided to leave him. She cursed him that he would suffer from leprosy and wander in the forest for seven years.

She then flew away to heaven with her brother, leaving Veerabahu alone and miserable.

The Moral of Vikramathithan Vethalam Story Tamil PDF 30

The moral of Vikramathithan Vethalam Story Tamil PDF 30 is that one should not blindly trust anyone, even one’s own spouse, without verifying the truth. One should also not act rashly or impulsively, without considering the consequences. One should respect and value one’s loyal friends and not harm them unjustly.

Veerabahu made a big mistake by killing his minister Gunasekara, who was his true friend and well-wisher. He did not listen to his words or check the facts before taking such a drastic step. He let his love and anger cloud his judgment and reason. He broke his promise to his wife and also betrayed his friend.

As a result, he lost both his wife and his friend, and also suffered from a terrible curse. He had to pay a heavy price for his folly and sin. He realized his error too late and regretted it deeply.

This story teaches us that we should be careful and cautious in our dealings with others. We should not let our emotions overpower our logic and common sense. We should also be grateful and faithful to our true friends and not hurt them for no reason.

The Question of Vikramathithan Vethalam Story Tamil PDF 30

At the end of the story, Vethalam asks Vikramaditya a question: Who was more foolish in this story: Veerabahu, Hishika, or Gunasekara?

If Vikramaditya answers correctly, Vethalam will escape and return to the cemetery. If he answers wrongly or remains silent, his head will burst into pieces.

What do you think is the correct answer? How would you justify your answer?

The Answer of Vikramathithan Vethalam Story Tamil PDF 30

The correct answer to Vethalam’s question is that Veerabahu was more foolish in this story. He was the one who made the biggest mistake and suffered the most. He was foolish to trust his wife blindly and not verify her story. He was foolish to kill his minister without giving him a chance to prove his innocence. He was foolish to break his promise and betray his friend.

Hishika was not foolish, but rather cunning and clever. She knew how to manipulate her husband and make him believe her lies. She also knew how to escape from him and curse him when he found out the truth. She was not loyal or faithful to him, but rather selfish and cruel.

Gunasekara was not foolish, but rather wise and honest. He tried to warn his king and save him from being cheated by his wife. He risked his life to tell him the truth and expose her deception. He was loyal and faithful to him, but rather betrayed and killed by him.

Therefore, Veerabahu was more foolish than Hishika and Gunasekara in this story.

The Conclusion of Vikramathithan Vethalam Story Tamil PDF 30

Vikramathithan Vethalam Story Tamil PDF 30 is a fascinating and instructive story that teaches us some valuable lessons. It shows us the importance of being careful and cautious in our relationships with others. It also shows us the importance of being grateful and faithful to our true friends and not harming them unjustly.

This story is one of the many stories that Vethalam tells Vikramaditya on their way to the sage. Each story has a moral and a question that tests Vikramaditya’s wisdom and intelligence. Vikramaditya has to answer correctly or face the consequences.

These stories are part of the Vikramathithan Vethalam series, which features the adventures of King Vikramaditya and a clever ghost called Vethalam. These stories are very popular and entertaining in Tamil literature and culture. They have been adapted into various forms of media, such as books, comics, movies, and TV shows.

You can download Vikramathithan Vethalam Story Tamil PDF 30 from the link below and enjoy reading it. You can also find other stories in the series and learn more from them.

The Benefits of Reading Vikramathithan Vethalam Story Tamil PDF 30

Reading Vikramathithan Vethalam Story Tamil PDF 30 is not only fun and enjoyable, but also beneficial for your mind and soul. Here are some of the benefits of reading this story:

  • It improves your language and vocabulary skills. You can learn new words and expressions in Tamil and English by reading this story. You can also improve your grammar and pronunciation by following the sentences and dialogues.
  • It enhances your creativity and imagination. You can visualize the characters and scenes in the story and create your own images in your mind. You can also think of alternative endings or scenarios for the story and compare them with the original.
  • It boosts your memory and concentration. You can recall the details and events in the story and test your comprehension and retention. You can also focus on the story and avoid distractions while reading.
  • It develops your critical thinking and problem-solving skills. You can analyze the moral and question in the story and try to find the correct answer. You can also evaluate the actions and decisions of the characters and judge their consequences.
  • It increases your knowledge and awareness. You can learn about the culture and history of Tamil Nadu and India by reading this story. You can also learn about the concepts and principles of ethics, morality, justice, and spirituality.
  • It inspires you and motivates you. You can admire the courage, wisdom, honesty, justice, compassion, loyalty, and friendship of Vikramaditya and Gunasekara in this story. You can also learn from their mistakes and avoid them in your life.

These are some of the benefits of reading Vikramathithan Vethalam Story Tamil PDF 30. You can experience these benefits by downloading the story from the link below and reading it regularly.

The Conclusion of the Article

In conclusion, Vikramathithan Vethalam Story Tamil PDF 30 is a classic tale of wisdom and adventure that you should not miss. It is one of the many stories in the Vikramathithan Vethalam series, which features the adventures of King Vikramaditya and a clever ghost called Vethalam. Each story has a moral and a question that tests Vikramaditya’s wisdom and intelligence.

This story is about a king named Veerabahu, who was very brave and generous. He married a beautiful maiden named Hishika, who was actually a celestial being. He promised her that he would never doubt her or question her actions. However, he broke his promise and killed his loyal minister Gunasekara, who tried to warn him about his wife’s deception. He then lost his wife and suffered from a terrible curse.

This story teaches us that we should not blindly trust anyone, even our own spouse, without verifying the truth. We should also not act rashly or impulsively, without considering the consequences. We should respect and value our loyal friends and not harm them unjustly.

Reading this story is not only fun and enjoyable, but also beneficial for your mind and soul. It improves your language and vocabulary skills, enhances your creativity and imagination, boosts your memory and concentration, develops your critical thinking and problem-solving skills, increases your knowledge and awareness, and inspires you and motivates you.

You can download Vikramathithan Vethalam Story Tamil PDF 30 from the link below and enjoy reading it. You can also find other stories in the series and learn more from them.[Torrent%20Product%20Key]


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