The Merchant Of Venice Audiobook Free Download __FULL__

The Merchant of Venice Audiobook Free Download

If you are looking for a classic drama that combines comedy, romance, tragedy, and controversy, then you should check out The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare. This play, written in the late 16th century, tells the story of a young Venetian nobleman who borrows money from a Jewish moneylender to woo a wealthy heiress, but ends up risking his life when he fails to repay the debt. Along the way, you will encounter a diverse cast of characters, such as a witty heroine, a loyal friend, a cunning villain, a foolish prince, and a wise judge.

In this article, we will give you an overview of the plot, themes, style, sources, reception, and adaptations of The Merchant of Venice. We will also show you how to download the audiobook version of this play for free, so that you can enjoy listening to it anytime and anywhere. Whether you are a student, a teacher, or a casual reader, you will find something interesting and useful in this article.

The Plot of The Merchant of Venice

The main plot of The Merchant of Venice revolves around Bassanio, a young Venetian gentleman who is in love with Portia, a rich heiress from Belmont. Bassanio needs money to travel to Belmont and impress Portia, who has to marry according to her father’s will. The will states that Portia can only marry the man who chooses the right casket out of three options: gold, silver, and lead. Bassanio asks his friend Antonio, a wealthy merchant, for a loan. Antonio agrees, but he does not have enough cash at hand because all his money is invested in his ships at sea. He decides to borrow money from Shylock, a Jewish moneylender who hates Antonio for his anti-Semitic remarks and his practice of lending money without interest.

Shylock agrees to lend Antonio three thousand ducats for three months, but he demands a pound of Antonio’s flesh as collateral if Antonio fails to repay on time. Antonio accepts this condition, confident that his ships will return before the deadline. Bassanio sets off for Belmont with his friend Gratiano. On his way, he meets Lorenzo, another friend who elopes with Jessica, Shylock’s daughter. Jessica converts to Christianity and steals some jewels and money from her father.

In Belmont, Bassanio chooses the lead casket, which contains Portia’s portrait and a scroll that declares him the winner of her hand. Portia gives Bassanio a ring as a token of her love and makes him promise never to lose it or give it away. Gratiano also falls in love with Nerissa, Portia’s maid, and they get married as well. Meanwhile, Antonio receives a letter that informs him that all his ships are lost and that Shylock is demanding his pound of flesh. Bassanio and Gratiano rush back to Venice to help Antonio, leaving their rings with their wives.

In Venice, Shylock rejects all offers of money to spare Antonio’s life and insists on his bond. The case goes to court, where the Duke of Venice presides. He asks for a lawyer to judge the case, and a young man named Balthazar appears. Balthazar is actually Portia in disguise, who has followed Bassanio to Venice with Nerissa, who is disguised as her clerk. Balthazar argues that Shylock can take Antonio’s flesh, but not his blood, and that if he sheds any drop of blood or takes more or less than a pound of flesh, he will be punished by the law. Shylock realizes that he has been outwitted and agrees to take the money instead, but Balthazar says that he has forfeited his bond and his property by attempting to kill a Venetian citizen. The Duke spares Shylock’s life, but orders him to give half of his wealth to Antonio and the other half to the state. He also forces him to convert to Christianity and to leave his estate to Jessica and Lorenzo after his death. Antonio agrees to give up his share of Shylock’s wealth if Shylock allows Jessica and Lorenzo to inherit it immediately. He also asks for his pound of flesh as a joke, but then gives it back to Shylock on the condition that he never speaks to him again.

Bassanio and Gratiano thank Balthazar for saving Antonio’s life and offer him money and gifts, but he refuses and asks for their rings instead. They reluctantly give them up, not knowing that Balthazar is Portia. Portia and Nerissa return to Belmont before their husbands and pretend that they have been at home all along. They accuse their husbands of being unfaithful for giving away their rings, but then reveal their true identities and their roles in the trial. They forgive their husbands and give them back their rings. They also learn that Antonio’s ships have arrived safely after all. The play ends with a happy reunion of all the couples, except for Shylock, who is left alone and miserable.

The Themes and Symbols of The Merchant of Venice

The Merchant of Venice is a play that explores many themes and symbols, such as justice, mercy, prejudice, love, friendship, money, religion, law, and appearance versus reality. Some of the most important ones are:

  • Justice versus mercy: The play contrasts the harshness of justice with the kindness of mercy, especially in the trial scene where Shylock demands his legal right to take Antonio’s flesh, while Portia appeals to his human compassion to spare him. The play also shows how justice can be manipulated by clever arguments and technicalities, while mercy can be more noble and generous.
  • Prejudice versus tolerance: The play exposes the bigotry and intolerance that exist between different groups of people, such as Christians and Jews, Venetians and foreigners, men and women. The play also challenges some of the stereotypes and prejudices that these groups hold against each other, such as Shylock being a greedy and cruel usurer, or Portia being a passive and obedient lady.
  • Love versus money: The play contrasts the value of love with the value of money, both in terms of material wealth and emotional attachment. The play shows how money can be a source of happiness or misery, depending on how it is used or abused. The play also shows how love can be sincere or superficial, depending on how it is expressed or tested.
  • Religion versus morality: The play questions the relationship between religion and morality, especially in terms of Christianity and Judaism. The play shows how religion can be used as a justification for good or evil actions, such as Antonio lending money without interest or Shylock demanding his pound of flesh. The play also shows how religion can be influenced by culture and tradition, such as Jessica converting to Christianity or Shylock following the Jewish law.
  • Law versus equity: The play examines the role of law and equity in society, especially in terms of civil and criminal cases. The play shows how law can be rigid and inflexible, while equity can be flexible and fair

    – in terms of justice and mercy. The play shows how law can be applied strictly or leniently, depending on the authority and discretion of the judge. The play also shows how equity can be more humane and reasonable than law, especially in cases where the law is unfair or inadequate.

  • Appearance versus reality: The play explores the difference between appearance and reality, both in terms of physical and psychological aspects. The play shows how appearance can be deceptive or misleading, such as the caskets, the rings, or the disguises. The play also shows how reality can be hidden or revealed, such as the true nature of the characters, their motives, or their feelings.

The Style and Language of The Merchant of Venice

The Merchant of Venice is a play that showcases Shakespeare’s mastery of style and language, both in terms of form and content. The play uses a variety of literary and rhetorical devices, such as:

  • Blank verse: The play is mostly written in blank verse, which is unrhymed iambic pentameter. This means that each line has ten syllables, with an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable. Blank verse is a common form of poetry in English literature, and it gives the play a natural and rhythmic flow.
  • Rhyme: The play also uses rhyme, which is the repetition of similar sounds at the end of words. Rhyme is used to create contrast, emphasis, or harmony in the play. For example, rhyme is used to mark the end of scenes or speeches, to highlight the choices of the caskets, or to express the feelings of love or friendship.
  • Alliteration: The play also uses alliteration, which is the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words. Alliteration is used to create sound effects, to emphasize certain words or ideas, or to create a musical quality in the play. For example, alliteration is used to describe Shylock’s bond as “a merry sport” or Portia’s beauty as “fairer than that word”.
  • Metaphor: The play also uses metaphor, which is a figure of speech that compares two things that are not literally alike. Metaphor is used to create imagery, to express abstract concepts, or to make comparisons in the play. For example, metaphor is used to compare Antonio’s ships to “rich burghers on the flood” or Shylock’s daughter to “a sealed bag”.
  • Pun: The play also uses pun, which is a form of wordplay that exploits the multiple meanings or sounds of words. Pun is used to create humor, to show wit, or to make double entendres in the play. For example, pun is used when Gratiano says that he will “play the fool” with his wife or when Portia says that she will “confess and live”.

The Sources and Influences of The Merchant of Venice

The Merchant of Venice is a play that draws on various sources and influences from history and literature. Some of the most important ones are:

  • The Bible: The play references several stories and passages from the Bible, especially from the Old Testament and the New Testament. The play explores some biblical themes and concepts, such as justice, mercy, forgiveness, faith, love, and salvation. The play also contrasts some biblical characters and figures, such as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon, Job, Daniel, Jesus, Paul, and Peter.
  • The Italian novellas: The play borrows some elements and plots from the Italian novellas, which are short stories that were popular in Italy during the Renaissance. The play adapts some novellas from Giovanni Fiorentino’s Il Pecorone, Ser Giovanni’s The Hundred Old Tales, Masuccio Salernitano’s The Fifty Novels, and Matteo Bandello’s The Novels. These novellas provide some inspiration for the characters and situations in the play.
  • The classical mythology: The play alludes to several myths and legends from the classical mythology of ancient Greece and Rome. The play uses some mythological names and references

    – to enrich the imagery and symbolism of the play. The play also compares some mythological characters and events, such as Jason, Medea, Hercules, Argus, Troy, Carthage, and Sylla.

  • The English history: The play reflects some aspects and issues of the English history and society in the late 16th and early 17th centuries. The play addresses some topics and concerns that were relevant to the Elizabethan and Jacobean audiences, such as trade, commerce, colonization, exploration, religion, politics, law, and culture.

The Reception and Adaptations of The Merchant of Venice

The Merchant of Venice is a play that has received various reception and adaptations over time and across different media. Some of the most notable ones are:

  • The critical reception: The play has been praised and criticized by different critics and scholars for its artistic merit and social impact. The play has been admired for its complex characters, its dramatic structure, its poetic language, and its thematic richness. The play has also been condemned for its portrayal of Shylock, its depiction of anti-Semitism, its treatment of women, and its moral ambiguity.
  • The theatrical adaptations: The play has been performed and adapted by different actors, directors, and companies on stage and in theaters. The play has been staged in various settings and styles, such as modern, historical, realistic, symbolic, comic, tragic, or musical. The play has also been interpreted in various ways, such as emphasizing the comedy or the tragedy, the romance or the conflict, the heroism or the villainy.
  • The cinematic adaptations: The play has been adapted and translated into different films and movies on screen and in cinemas. The play has been filmed in various genres and formats, such as drama, comedy, animation, documentary, or opera. The play has also been modified in various aspects, such as changing the plot, the characters, the dialogue, the setting, or the theme.
  • The literary adaptations: The play has inspired and influenced different writers and authors in literature and in books. The play has been rewritten and retold in various forms and genres, such as novels, short stories, poems, essays, or comics. The play has also been expanded or reduced in various scopes and perspectives

    – such as focusing on the main or the minor characters, the original or the alternative endings, the positive or the negative aspects.

How to Download The Merchant of Venice Audiobook for Free

If you are interested in listening to The Merchant of Venice audiobook for free, you are in luck. There are many ways and websites that allow you to download and enjoy the audiobook version of this play without paying a dime. In this section, we will show you how to do it step by step.

Benefits of Listening to Audiobooks

Before we get into the details of how to download the audiobook, let us first talk about why you should listen to audiobooks in the first place. Here are some benefits of listening to audiobooks over reading or watching:

  • They save time and space: You can listen to audiobooks while doing other things, such as driving, cooking, cleaning, exercising, or relaxing. You can also listen to audiobooks on any device, such as your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop. You do not need to carry or store physical books or DVDs.
  • They enhance comprehension and retention: You can listen to audiobooks at your own pace and repeat or skip any part as you wish. You can also adjust the volume, speed, and pitch of the audio as you prefer. You can also use headphones, speakers, or earbuds to improve the sound quality and reduce distractions. You can also follow along with the text or subtitles if available.
  • They improve pronunciation and vocabulary: You can listen to audiobooks in different languages and accents, such as English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, etc. You can also learn how to pronounce and spell new words and phrases correctly. You can also look up the meaning and usage of any word or expression in a dictionary or a translator app.
  • They stimulate imagination and emotion: You can listen to audiobooks with different voices and tones, such as male, female, young, old, serious, humorous, etc. You can also listen to audiobooks with different sound effects and music, such as background noises, ambient sounds, instrumental tunes, etc. You can also create your own mental images and feelings based on the audio.
  • They entertain and educate: You can listen to audiobooks of different genres and topics, such as fiction, non-fiction, drama, comedy, romance, tragedy, history, science, philosophy

    – etc. You can also listen to audiobooks of different levels and formats, such as abridged, unabridged, dramatized, narrated, etc. You can also listen to audiobooks of different authors and narrators, such as Shakespeare, Dickens, Austen, Rowling, etc. You can also listen to audiobooks that are suitable for different ages and interests, such as children, teens, adults, etc.

Best Websites for Free Audiobooks

Now that you know the benefits of listening to audiobooks, you may wonder where to find them for free. There are many websites that offer free audiobooks, but not all of them are reliable and reputable. Here are some of the best websites that we recommend for free audiobooks:

  • LibriVox: This is a website that provides free public domain audiobooks that are recorded by volunteers from all over the world. You can find thousands of audiobooks in different languages and genres on this website. You can also contribute your own recordings or help with proofreading or cataloging. You can download the audiobooks in MP3 or OGG format, or stream them online. You can also access the audiobooks through various apps and platforms, such as iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, etc.
  • Loyal Books: This is a website that offers free public domain audiobooks and ebooks that are sourced from LibriVox and Project Gutenberg. You can browse and search for audiobooks by title, author, genre, language, popularity, or rating. You can also view the book covers and summaries of the audiobooks. You can download the audiobooks in MP3 or M4B format, or listen to them online. You can also access the audiobooks through various apps and devices, such as Android, iOS, Kindle, etc.
  • Open Culture: This is a website that curates free cultural and educational media from various sources on the internet. You can find over 1,000 free audiobooks on this website, ranging from classics to contemporary works. You can also find free courses, movies, podcasts, ebooks, and more on this website. You can download the audiobooks in MP3 or iTunes format, or listen to them online. You can also access the audiobooks through various apps and platforms

    – such as iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, etc.

  • Audible: This is a website that offers free and paid audiobooks that are professionally produced and narrated. You can find over 200,000 audiobooks on this website, covering various genres and categories. You can also find exclusive and original content, such as podcasts, shows, and series. You can download the audiobooks in M4B format, or listen to them online. You can also access the audiobooks through various apps and devices, such as Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, etc.

To download the free audiobooks from these websites, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Visit the website of your choice and browse or search for the audiobook that you want to download.
  2. Click on the title or the cover of the audiobook to view its details and reviews.
  3. Click on the download or the play button to start downloading or streaming the audiobook.
  4. Choose the format and the quality of the audio file that you want to download.
  5. Save the audio file to your device or your cloud storage.
  6. Enjoy listening to the audiobook with your preferred device and output option.

How to Choose the Right Audiobook Format and Device

Now that you know how to download the free audiobooks, you may wonder how to choose the right audiobook format and device for listening to them. There are many factors that you need to consider, such as compatibility, quality, convenience, and preference. Here are some tips and recommendations for choosing the right audiobook format and device:

MP3 vs. M4B vs. OGG vs. WAV

These are some of the most common audio file formats that you can find for audiobooks. They have different pros and cons, such as:

  • MP3: This is a compressed and lossy format that reduces the size and quality of the audio file. It is compatible with most devices and platforms, but it may not support some features, such as bookmarks, chapters, or metadata.
  • M4B: This is a compressed and lossy format that is similar to MP3, but it is designed specifically for audiobooks. It supports some features, such as bookmarks, chapters, metadata, and variable speed. It is compatible with some devices and platforms, such as Apple products, but it may not work with others.
  • OGG: This is a compressed and lossy format that is similar to MP3, but it uses a different compression algorithm. It offers better quality and smaller size than MP3, but it may not be compatible with some devices and platforms.
  • WAV: This is an uncompressed and lossless format that preserves the original quality and size of the audio file. It offers the best sound quality, but it takes up a lot of space and may not be compatible with some devices and platforms.

The best format for you depends on your device, your storage space

– and your sound quality preference. Generally, MP3 is the most widely used and compatible format, but M4B is the most suitable format for audiobooks. OGG and WAV are less common and compatible formats, but they offer better sound quality.

Smartphone vs. Tablet vs. Laptop vs. Desktop

These are some of the most common devices that you can use for listening to audiobooks. They have different pros and cons, such as:

  • Smartphone: This is a portable and convenient device that you can carry and use anywhere and anytime. It has a small screen and a built-in speaker, but it also supports headphones, earbuds, or external speakers. It has a limited storage space and battery life, but it also supports cloud storage and power banks. It can also access various apps and platforms for audiobooks.
  • Tablet: This is a larger and more comfortable device that you can use at home or on the go. It has a bigger screen and a better speaker, but it also supports headphones, earbuds, or external speakers. It has more storage space and battery life than a smartphone, but it also supports cloud storage and power banks. It can also access various apps and platforms for audiobooks.
  • Laptop: This is a powerful and versatile device that you can use for work or entertainment. It has a large screen and a good speaker, but it also supports headphones, earbuds, or external speakers. It has a lot of storage space and battery life, but it also supports cloud storage and power cords. It can also access various apps and platforms for audiobooks.
  • Desktop: This is a stationary and reliable device that you can use for high-quality sound and performance. It has a huge screen and a great speaker, but it also supports headphones, earbuds, or external speakers. It has a massive storage space and power supply, but it does not support cloud storage or power banks. It can also access various apps and platforms for audiobooks.

The best device for you depends on your mobility, your comfort level

– and your sound quality preference. Generally, smartphone and tablet are the most popular and convenient devices for listening to audiobooks, but laptop and desktop are the most powerful and reliable devices for listening to audiobooks.

Headphones vs. Speakers vs. Earbuds

These are some of the most common audio output options that you can use for listening to audiobooks. They have different pros and cons, such as:

  • Headphones: These are devices that cover your ears and block out external noises. They offer the best sound quality and immersion, but they also make you less aware of your surroundings and may cause discomfort or fatigue after prolonged use. They are suitable for listening to audiobooks in a quiet and private environment.
  • Speakers: These are devices that project sound into the air and fill the room with sound. They offer a good sound quality and a social experience, but they also create noise pollution and may disturb others. They are suitable for listening to audiobooks in a loud and public environment.
  • Earbuds: These are devices that fit into your ear canal and isolate sound from outside. They offer a decent sound quality and a portable convenience, but they also pose health risks and may damage your hearing. They are suitable for listening to audiobooks in a moderate and personal environment.

The best option for you depends on your noise level, your safety level, and your comfort level. Generally, headphones and speakers are the most preferred and recommended options for listening to audiobooks, but earbuds are the most common and available options for listening to audiobooks.


In conclusion, The Merchant of Venice is a play that you should not miss if you love drama, comedy, romance, tragedy, and controversy. It is a play that has a lot to offer in terms of plot, themes, style, sources, reception, and adaptations. It is also a play that you can enjoy in different ways, such as reading, watching, or listening. In this article, we have shown you how to download the audiobook version of this play for free, so that you can listen to it anytime and anywhere. We hope that you have found this article helpful and informative, and that you have learned something new and interesting about this play.

If you have any questions or comments about this article or this play, please feel free to contact us or leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you and answer your queries. Thank you for reading this article and happy listening!


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about The Merchant of Venice and the audiobook:

  1. Q: Who is the merchant of Venice?
  2. A: The merchant of Venice is Antonio, who is a wealthy and generous merchant who lends money to his friend Bassanio without interest. He is also the one who agrees to give Shylock a pound of his flesh as collateral for a loan.
  3. Q: Who is the villain of The Merchant of Venice?
  4. A: The villain of The Merchant of Venice is Shylock, who is a Jewish moneylender who hates Antonio for his anti-Semitic remarks and his practice of lending money without interest. He is also the one who demands his pound of flesh from Antonio when he fails to repay his debt.
  5. Q: Is The Merchant of Venice a comedy or a tragedy?
  6. A: The Merchant of Venice is a comedy in the sense that it has a happy ending for the main characters, except for Shylock. It is also a comedy in the sense that it has many humorous scenes and dialogues, such as the casket test, the ring test, or the trial scene. However, it is also a tragedy in the sense that it deals with serious issues

    – such as justice, mercy, prejudice, love, money, religion, law, and appearance versus reality. It is also a tragedy in the sense that it has a sad ending for Shylock, who loses his daughter, his wealth, his religion, and his dignity.

  7. Q: What is the moral of The Merchant of Venice?
  8. A: The moral of The Merchant of Venice is that mercy is more powerful and noble than justice, and that love is more valuable and precious than money. The play also teaches that prejudice and intolerance are harmful and unjust, and that appearance and reality are not always the same.
  9. Q: How long is The Merchant of Venice audiobook?
  10. A: The length of The Merchant of Venice audiobook depends on the version and the narrator that you choose. Generally, the audiobook ranges from 2 to 3 hours in duration. You can also adjust the speed of the audio to make it faster or slower according to your preference.


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