Silent Aim € Counter Strike 1.6 ((HOT))

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Silent Aim € Counter Strike 1.6

the charm of a kevin smith movie is that it assumes you do not enter the theater as a blank slate. chasing amy assumes a little knowledge of the world of serious comic books and collectors; dogma required you to know something about catholic theology, and jay and silent bob has moments like the one where the affleck character defines the internet for jay: it’s a place used the world over where people can come together to bitch about movies and share pornography together. this is a much more sophisticated idea of the net than we find in high-tech cyberthrillers, where the net is a place that makes your computer beep a lot.

so the game is released on the steam platform, and people start downloading it, or they don’t. the “average” consumer spending less than a month on steam figures to be a few more days or weeks. about 80% of players dropped out of it after 30 days, so you can see why a lot of new developers flocked to the console and pc versions of the game and why console players are often more hardcore and dedicated.

on the home front, cloud9 joins with 17 other players to form the hugely successful north american-based cloud9, winning numerous tournaments. midway, the developer, publishes the game in russia, and a year later it sells 70,000 units, setting a record for a non-american game. a few months later, the game is enjoying a flood of pirated versions because the competition is very good. the original game has been recalled in russia, and the russian development branch shut down. soon thereafter, midway cuts its losses and shuts the russian branch down. halfway, a german branch takes up the torch.

in the meantime, the russian-based version of the game continues to sell about 70,000 units a year. russian companies like rakih,, and silverlode take over market share as they launch pirate versions of the game. the publishers and the companies who run the competing client see this as a sign of the game’s success, and each believe they have the right to extract as much money from the market as possible. the german branch puts its version on steam, but many of the users are russians.
two separate lawsuits crop up – one in a swiss court in favor of the american publishers, the other in a russian court in favor of the german publisher. meanwhile, dota, a korean team, creates its own version of counter strike, known as carry. this is a korean version of counter strike, not a version of counter strike. its made specifically for the korean market. not coincidentally, the server set-up is in korean.
in america, cases are now filed against valve and other third parties. to this day, there is no final ruling on who won. in germany, the publisher and the developers get a hand in the negotiations, and they seem to have the upper hand. at this point, midway develops its own version of counter strike, that is essentially a simple clone, and this version receives good reviews, so midway’s engineers decide to try to muscle in on the german branch’s market share. the american publisher pursues legal action against both russian and german branches.
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