
I’ve been dating online for the better part of a decade and would happily do it all over again, so I am pretty comfortable jumping right into what feels like the best thing since sliced bread. Online dating is, if not the revolution in dating that we hoped for, then still the modern way of doing it. You don’t have to worry about meeting someone in real life and talking to them. You also don’t have to worry about the things that can come up when meeting people in real life (you know, the awkward moments, the awkward comments, the awkward licking of lips). Online dating makes it easy to do; it’s “just” online. Sure, it’s a little more convenient than meeting people in person, but is it really that much less inconvenient?

If you’re single and ready to make the leap, then read on for a list of modern dating tips that’ll give you an advantage in the online dating world.

1) Don’t Go Too In Depth Too Soon

If you’re feeling really desperate to meet someone, then maybe you’ve been contemplating online dating for weeks or even months.

If you’ve been scouring dating sites for some time, the experience is bound to be familiar to you, and you might be tempted to jump in and start chatting to some potential mates right away. I know what you’re thinking: This person must be desperate to meet someone, and therefore they must be an all-right person who would make a great partner. Maybe you’d be right. But the reality is that online dating is a numbers game, and you don’t want to jump in too fast.

Even if you’ve been online for a long time, you’re still probably not that interesting or trustworthy, so you need to kind of weed out the duds first before jumping into deep intimate conversations. It’s easier when you meet people in person, but that’s not something I recommend right off the bat.

Start off by using the free sites you know, like OkCupid and, and just see what happens.

You’ll probably get lots of matches for free, which is great, but after a while you’ll start seeing a lot of profiles from the same location and you’ll have to decide if they’re someone you want to meet in person. It’s not always that easy to get rid of them (if you do try to get rid of them, they’ll tell you they’ve done the same and that they can’t help but
You may not be in a position to make a move—he may be the guy, and you may not be ready to commit. But it’s always okay to go to the bar and try to impress. Even if a man and a woman are just friends, there’s always hope of—ahem—things blossoming between them. If you’re looking to meet someone in a more genuine way, go to these spots.

You’ve been there, done that, and now you’re ready to go to college. Here are 10 things you must do in college to ensure you end up with that dream guy.

1. Think about going to college.

College is a time when life is just full of possibility. Want to meet the most amazing guy your age on campus? Then pick up the schedule at the information desk. But…don’t bother. There’s very little chance that the person you meet will be super interesting. You’re probably just one of a couple thousand other girls/guys in your school, and if they have their mind on the one guy they want to go out with, don’t expect them to be interested in you. Also, try to meet a wide variety of guys on campus—it will help you to broaden your dating pool, and you never know what might happen.

2. As much as you can, live off-campus.

It might not be the easiest thing to do, but if you don’t live in your school’s dorms, you’re more likely to bump into people. When you go home, you’re greeted with the sights and sounds of your parents, your friends, and your pets. Living on campus means you’re surrounded by other people, and have a place to go home to. It’s a bit of a transition, but that transition will go a lot quicker if you don’t live with strangers. Also, if you live on campus, you might have to change your schedule around to make time for your new friends and roommates.

3. Don’t push for that guy.

Unless you really like him, and he really likes you, don’t push for things to happen. No one’s going to want to go out with you if you’re chasing them—even if you think they’re into you. Say hello to him, but don’t do anything. It’s just polite to try and meet someone new, but don’t be so pushy that you’re awkward. Not only is that unapp

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