Photoshop 7.0







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Introducing the Stroke Editor

Anyone who has used a paint program such as Photoshop Elements or PaintShop Pro will know the difference between a path and a stroke. It’s a quick and easy way to draw freehand lines, shapes, or bevels.

Using the freehand drawing tool (or the Pen tool) and the line tool (or the Line tool), you can draw lines and shapes. Once you have created a shape, you can turn it into a path (you may also be able to import a graphic file) and then edit the shape’s new path. You can then edit it further and create other shapes inside the path.

When you select the Shape tool from the Tools panel, the drawing area displays a toolbox similar to the one shown in Figure 3-1.

FIGURE 3-1: Use the Shape tool to draw freehand shapes.

The Shape tool box contains several tools that enable you to draw and edit freehand shapes. Figure 3-1 shows these tools. The following sections describe each tool.

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This tutorial will show you how to use a free and powerful image editor called GIMP to edit and create your own memes and text images.

Step 1: Making an Image

You’ll create a blank image to start, but later you can add text and other embellishments like frames, text, and clip-art to the image.

In this case, the image will be a rectangle. Simply right click on the background image and click on Rectangle with Grid.

When creating a new image in the editor, keep the dimensions the same. Fill the space with a solid color, white in this case.

To change the shape of the rectangle, drag the corners of the rectangle and resize the rectangle into different shapes.

Finally, if you want to make the image a square, you can click the center square and drag it to the bottom-left corner. Click Cancel if you change the shape for some reason.

Step 2: Text

Instead of adding text to the images, you can add text to the image, using the built-in Text tools.

You can make your text as big or small as you want, and you can draw text in any color or font.

Start by selecting the Brush tool from the tools bar.

Click on the text tool, and click and drag across the canvas to create your text.

The color and font of the text will match the color and font of the background.

Click the text tool again and select Text from the pop-up menu.

Click and drag around the canvas until you have added your text.

You can use the menu or the toolbars to change the text’s color, font, size, and alignment.

Step 3: Change the Background

You can change the background and keep the text using the Clone Stamp tool, also in the tools bar.

Select the Brush tool again, and click the Clone Stamp tool.

Click the background where you want the new background to be, and click the big black square in the middle of the canvas.

Clone Stamp the Background into the new rectangle and it will cover it.

Select the option text from the pop-up menu.

Click on the text tool again, and write your text.

Step 4: Frames

Frames can be added to images and can be used to add borders, outer-b

Link To Download Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Free Download [2022-Latest]


Is it possible to use std::function to define a member function of class which has pointer of that class as its argument?

I’m new to templates, and couldn’t find a proper way to use std::function as a type parameter of a class and have it evaluated during the constructor, resulting in undefined behaviour.
From this question I knew that I should not use pointers and functions as template parameters.
Question: Is there a solution to my problem?
Example of what I wish to achieve:
class MyClass {
MyClass(F f);
bool operator()(F f) { return f(); } // Use f() as predicate

struct TestFunc {
bool operator()(const int& x) {
std::cout mci(TestFunc); // OK
int x = 6;
mci(x); // error: call of overloaded ‘MyClass::MyClass(F)’ is ambiguous

MyClass> mc1(TestFunc);
MyClass> mc2(TestFunc); // error


(I took the liberty of reading the question a little differently:
This is a templated class with a function type as template parameter which is a function object, but don’t use function pointers as function types.
So the following works as expected:

class MyClass {
MyClass(F f);
bool operator()(F f) { return f(); } // Use f() as predicate

struct TestFunc {
bool operator()(const int& x) {

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Android – how to open an url and go to the actual website

I’m trying to make an android application that when you click on a button, that it will open in a new tab a url (right now it opens it inside the device browser), also I want it to redirect the user to the url inside the tab that was opened (so how do I close the current tab?)
btn = (Button) findViewById(;
btn.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

public void onClick(View arg0) {

Intent browser = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(“”));



Here’s an example how to open browser with google search on it
public class MainActivity extends Activity {

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

Button btn = (Button) findViewById(;
btn.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

public void onClick(View arg0) {

Intent browser = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(“” + getIntent().getStringExtra(“search”)));



And then in activity you must pass some value
public class IndexActivity extends Activity {

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

System Requirements For Link To Download Adobe Photoshop 7.0:

Xbox 360 Controller
Titanfall 2 1.1 or later
Processor: 2.6GHz or faster
Memory: 2GB RAM
Graphics: 1GB graphics card
Hard Drive: 3GB available space
Windows 7 or later
Sound card and speakers
Minimum resolution: 1280 x 720
Internet connection
Titanfall 2 is currently only available on the Xbox One, which is available in North America, Australia, New Zealand, and Europe. The PC edition of Titanfall 2 is available in North

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