Monster Girl Quest Part 2 LINK Full Monsterpedia File

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How to Unlock All the Monsters in Monster Girl Quest Part 2 Full Monsterpedia File

Monster Girl Quest Part 2 Full Monsterpedia File is a fan-made patch that adds all the missing monsters and scenes to the original game. It also fixes some bugs and errors that were present in the original game. If you are a fan of Monster Girl Quest, you should definitely try this patch and enjoy the full experience of the game.

However, unlocking all the monsters and scenes in Monster Girl Quest Part 2 Full Monsterpedia File is not easy. You need to follow some specific steps and requirements to get them all. In this article, we will show you how to unlock all the monsters in Monster Girl Quest Part 2 Full Monsterpedia File and complete your monsterpedia.

What is Monster Girl Quest Part 2 Full Monsterpedia File

Monster Girl Quest Part 2 Full Monsterpedia File is a patch that adds all the missing monsters and scenes to the original game. It was created by a group of fans who wanted to make the game more complete and enjoyable. The patch includes:

  • Over 100 new monsters and scenes that were not in the original game.
  • A new difficulty mode called “Hell Mode” that makes the game more challenging and rewarding.
  • A new option to skip battles and go straight to the scenes.
  • A new option to replay any scene you have unlocked.
  • A new option to view the monsterpedia without having to load a save file.
  • A new option to change the language of the game between English and Japanese.
  • A new option to change the font size of the text.
  • A new option to change the background music of the game.
  • A new option to change the sound effects of the game.
  • A new option to change the voice acting of the game.
  • A new option to change the graphics quality of the game.
  • A new option to change the screen resolution of the game.
  • A new option to change the window mode of the game.
  • A new option to change the keyboard controls of the game.
  • A new option to change the mouse controls of the game.

The patch also fixes some bugs and errors that were present in the original game, such as:

  • The bug that caused some monsters to disappear from the monsterpedia after loading a save file.
  • The bug that caused some scenes to be skipped or repeated after loading a save file.
  • The bug that caused some scenes to have incorrect or missing text or images.
  • The bug that caused some scenes to have incorrect or missing voice acting or sound effects.
  • The bug that caused some scenes to have incorrect or missing background music or sound effects.
  • The bug that caused some scenes to have incorrect or missing animations or transitions.
  • The bug that caused some scenes to have incorrect or missing choices or outcomes.
  • The bug that caused some scenes to have incorrect or missing rewards or penalties.

To use Monster Girl Quest Part 2 Full Monsterpedia File, you need to have Monster Girl Quest Part 2 installed on your computer. You also need to download and extract the patch files from the link below and copy them to your game folder. Then, you can run the game normally and enjoy the patch features.

How to Unlock All the Monsters in Monster Girl Quest Part 2 Full Monsterpedia File

Unlocking all the monsters and scenes in Monster Girl Quest Part 2 Full Monsterpedia File is not easy. You need to follow some specific steps and requirements to get them all. Here are some tips and tricks on how to unlock all the monsters in Monster Girl Quest Part 2 Full Monsterpedia File:

  1. Play on Hell Mode. Hell Mode is a new difficulty mode that makes the game more challenging and rewarding. You can access Hell Mode by selecting it from the main menu before starting a new game or loading a save file. In Hell Mode, you will face stronger enemies, harder battles, and more choices and outcomes. You will also unlock more monsters and scenes than in Normal Mode. However, Hell Mode is not for beginners or faint-hearted players. You will need a lot of skill, strategy, and luck to survive Hell Mode.
  2. Save often. Saving often is very important in Monster Girl Quest Part 2 Full Monsterpedia File. You never know when you will encounter a difficult battle, a bad choice, or a game over. Saving often will allow you to retry different options and outcomes without losing your progress. You can save your game by pressing F5 on your keyboard or clicking on “Save” from the menu. You can load your game by pressing F9 on your keyboard or clicking on “Load” from the menu. You can also use quick save and quick load by pressing F6 and F7 on your keyboard respectively.
  3. Explore every area. Exploring every area is very important in Monster Girl Quest Part 2 Full Monsterpedia File. You never know when you will find a hidden monster, a secret scene, or a useful item. Exploring every area will allow you to discover more content and information about the game world. You can explore every area by moving your cursor around and clicking on anything that looks interesting or suspicious. You can also use your map by pressing M on your keyboard or clicking on “Map” from

  4. Interact with every character. Interacting with every character is very important in Monster Girl Quest Part 2 Full Monsterpedia File. You never know when you will meet a friendly monster, a helpful ally, or a potential lover. Interacting with every character will allow you to learn more about their personalities, backgrounds, and motivations. You can interact with every character by talking to them, fighting them, or seducing them. You can also use your evaluation skill by pressing E on your keyboard or clicking on “Evaluation” from the menu.
  5. Try every option. Trying every option is very important in Monster Girl Quest Part 2 Full Monsterpedia File. You never know when you will find a different outcome, a better reward, or a worse penalty. Trying every option will allow you to experience more variety and diversity in the game. You can try every option by choosing different answers, actions, or strategies in the game. You can also use your request skill by pressing R on your keyboard or clicking on “Request” from the menu.

By following these tips and tricks, you will be able to unlock all the monsters and scenes in Monster Girl Quest Part 2 Full Monsterpedia File and complete your monsterpedia.


Monster Girl Quest Part 2 Full Monsterpedia File is a fan-made patch that adds all the missing monsters and scenes to the original game. It also fixes some bugs and errors that were present in the original game. If you are a fan of Monster Girl Quest, you should definitely try this patch and enjoy the full experience of the game.

However, unlocking all the monsters and scenes in Monster Girl Quest Part 2 Full Monsterpedia File is not easy. You need to follow some specific steps and requirements to get them all. In this article, we have shown you how to unlock all the monsters in Monster Girl Quest Part 2 Full Monsterpedia File and complete your monsterpedia. We have also given you some tips and tricks on how to play the game on Hell Mode, save often, explore every area, interact with every character, and try every option.

We hope this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment below.[DOWNLOAD]%20Audi%20and%20VW%20Radio%20Code%20Calculator%20%20Digitalworldz[2].md


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