Marine Biology Leviton Pdf Download NEW!

Marine Biology Leviton Pdf Download NEW!


Marine Biology Leviton Pdf Download

Marine iguana conservation efforts are guided by the Galapagos National Park (GNP) Law, which is established to protect unique ecosystems on Galapagos as well as to conserve under-represented populations of Galapagos fauna [82]. Under this law, the GNP retains responsibility for marine iguana conservation, but cooperates with the Pacific Islands Marine Turtle (PIMT) project to monitor ocean-wide marine iguana populations and to help develop programs to relocate individuals between GNP and PIMT islands. PIMT reintroduction in Santa Cruz has been particularly successful, with animals released from the island obtaining a high rate of successful migration to other islands [83]. The PIMT-GNP partnership also works with artisanal watercraft operators within GNP to encourage a non-harvesting, non-trapping approach to marine iguana management. These practices have increased the conservation of threatened species not only in Galapagos but also on other marine islands throughout the northwestern Pacific Ocean [84, 85]. Given the success of PIMT iguanas, continued follow up of the reintroduced animals is necessary to confirm establishment on these islands and to monitor their migration down the coasts of South America. marine life project pdf

According to the World Conservation Monitoring Centre of the IUCN (IUCN/WCMC) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the deserts of southern Africa are the most important current centers of potential plant species diversity on Earth. The emergence of such diversity may be as recent as the Pliocene, and plant species from the Late Cretaceous have not evolved along the southern African coastlines. The result of this hypothesis is the designation of this area as a biodiversity hotspot [37]. Given the absence of strict geographical conservation of other terrestrial organisms, the genetic diversity of these desert wetlands can expand or contract as a result of climatic fluctuations. Such climatic fluctuations have occurred during recorded history: the African coastlines have been documented as a position of biodiversity hotspot at least 1500-2000 years ago [35].


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