How To Create, Play Hangman Game Using Google Sheets

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How To Create and Play Hangman Game Using Google Sheets

Hangman is a classic word game that can be played by two or more players. The game involves one player thinking of a word and the other players trying to guess it by suggesting letters. The player who thinks of the word draws a gallows and a blank line for each letter of the word. Each time a player guesses a letter that is not in the word, the player who thinks of the word draws a body part of a hangman on the gallows. The game ends when either the word is guessed or the hangman is complete.

Hangman is a fun and educational game that can help you improve your vocabulary, spelling and logic skills. But did you know that you can also create and play hangman game using Google Sheets? Google Sheets is a free online spreadsheet application that allows you to create, edit and share spreadsheets with others. You can use Google Sheets to create a custom hangman game with your own words and categories. You can also play hangman game on Google Sheets with your friends and family online or offline.

How to Create Hangman Game Using Google Sheets

Creating hangman game using Google Sheets is very easy and fast. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Open Google Sheets and create a new blank spreadsheet.
  2. In the first row, enter the categories of words you want to use for your hangman game. For example, you can use categories such as animals, countries, movies, etc.
  3. In the second row, enter the number of words you want to use for each category. For example, if you have five categories, you can enter five numbers such as 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30.
  4. In the third row, enter the formula =RANDBETWEEN(1,B2) in the first cell and drag it across to fill the rest of the cells in the row. This formula will generate a random number between 1 and the number of words you entered for each category.
  5. In the fourth row, enter the formula =VLOOKUP(C3,’Word List’!$A$2:$B$101,2,FALSE) in the first cell and drag it across to fill the rest of the cells in the row. This formula will look up the random number generated in the third row and return the corresponding word from a separate sheet named ‘Word List’. You will need to create this sheet later.
  6. In the fifth row, enter the formula =LEN(D4) in the first cell and drag it across to fill the rest of the cells in the row. This formula will count the number of letters in each word.
  7. In the sixth row, enter an underscore (_) in each cell. This will represent the blank spaces for each letter of the word.
  8. In the seventh row, enter a letter A in each cell. This will represent the first letter that the players will guess.
  9. In the eighth row, enter the formula =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(E7,E4)),E7,””) in

  10. In the ninth row, enter the formula =IF(E8=””,E6,E8) in the first cell and drag it across to fill the rest of the cells in the row. This formula will display the letter guessed in the eighth row if it is correct or the underscore in the sixth row if it is not.
  11. In the tenth row, enter a letter B in each cell. This will represent the second letter that the players will guess.
  12. Repeat steps 8 to 10 for each letter of the alphabet until you reach the 35th row.
  13. In the 36th row, enter the formula =IF(COUNTIF(E9:E34,””)=0,”You win!”,”You lose!”) in the first cell and drag it across to fill the rest of the cells in the row. This formula will display a message that indicates whether the players have guessed the word or not.

You have now created a hangman game using Google Sheets. You can format and customize your spreadsheet as you like. You can also hide or protect some rows or columns to prevent cheating or editing.

How to Create a Word List for Hangman Game Using Google Sheets

To create a word list for your hangman game using Google Sheets, you need to create a separate sheet named ‘Word List’. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Create a new sheet and name it ‘Word List’.
  2. In the first column, enter the numbers from 1 to 100. These will represent the random numbers that will be used to select the words for each category.
  3. In the second column, enter the words that you want to use for your hangman game. You can use any words you like, but make sure they are appropriate and suitable for your audience and purpose. You can also use online sources or tools to generate word lists for different categories.
  4. Make sure that you have enough words for each category. For example, if you have five categories and you want to use 30 words for each category, you need to have 150 words in total.
  5. Sort your words by category and number. For example, if you have five categories such as animals, countries, movies, etc., you can sort your words as follows:


1 Cat
2 Dog
3 Lion
30 Zebra
31 Australia
32 Brazil
33 Canada
60 Zimbabwe
61 Avatar
62 Batman
63 Casablanca
90 Zootopia
91 (other category)
92 (other category)
93 (other category)
120(other category)

You have now created a word list for your hangman game using Google Sheets. You can format and customize your sheet as you like. You can also hide or protect your sheet to prevent cheating or editing.

How to Play Hangman Game Using Google Sheets

Playing hangman game using Google Sheets is very simple and fun. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Open the spreadsheet that contains your hangman game and select a category from the first row.
  2. Look at the number of letters in the word and the blank spaces in the sixth row.
  3. Guess a letter from the alphabet and enter it in the seventh row.
  4. Check if the letter is in the word and if it is displayed in the eighth row.
  5. If the letter is in the word, you can continue guessing until you complete the word or run out of letters.
  6. If the letter is not in the word, you will see a body part of a hangman drawn on the gallows. You can continue guessing until you complete the word or complete the hangman.
  7. Look at the message in the 36th row to see if you have won or lost the game.
  8. You can play again by selecting another category or refreshing the spreadsheet.

You have now learned how to play hangman game using Google Sheets. You can play with your friends and family online or offline and have fun and learn new words. You can also challenge yourself by using different categories and levels of difficulty.

How to Customize Your Hangman Game Using Google Sheets

If you want to make your hangman game more unique and personal, you can customize it using Google Sheets. You can change the appearance, the content and the functionality of your hangman game according to your preferences and needs. Here are some tips on how to customize your hangman game using Google Sheets:

  • To change the appearance of your hangman game, you can use the formatting options in Google Sheets. You can change the font, the size, the color and the style of the text. You can also change the background color, the border and the alignment of the cells. You can also insert images, shapes, charts and other objects to decorate your spreadsheet.
  • To change the content of your hangman game, you can use the editing options in Google Sheets. You can add, delete or modify the categories, the words and the formulas in your spreadsheet. You can also use online sources or tools to generate new word lists for different categories.
  • To change the functionality of your hangman game, you can use the scripting options in Google Sheets. You can write or modify scripts that can automate or enhance some tasks or features in your spreadsheet. For example, you can write a script that can draw a different hangman for each category or that can play a sound when you guess a letter or a word.

With Google Sheets, you can customize your hangman game in a fast and easy way. You can also express your creativity and personality through your hangman game. So what are you waiting for? Download Google Sheets today and start customizing your hangman game.

How to Share Your Hangman Game Using Google Sheets

If you want to share your hangman game with others, you can do so using Google Sheets. You can share your hangman game with anyone who has access to Google Sheets or who has a Google account. You can also control who can view or edit your hangman game and how they can interact with it. Here are some tips on how to share your hangman game using Google Sheets:

  1. Open the spreadsheet that contains your hangman game and click on the share button on the top right corner.
  2. Enter the email addresses of the people you want to share your hangman game with or select them from your contacts.
  3. Choose whether you want to give them edit, comment or view access to your hangman game.
  4. Add a message if you want to explain what your hangman game is about or how to play it.
  5. Click on send and wait for their response.

You have now shared your hangman game using Google Sheets. You can play with others online or offline and have fun and learn new words. You can also get feedback and suggestions from others on how to improve your hangman game.


Hangman is a classic word game that can be played by two or more players. The game involves one player thinking of a word and the other players trying to guess it by suggesting letters. The game ends when either the word is guessed or the hangman is complete.

But did you know that you can also create and play hangman game using Google Sheets? Google Sheets is a free online spreadsheet application that allows you to create, edit and share spreadsheets with others. You can use Google Sheets to create a custom hangman game with your own words and categories. You can also play hangman game on Google Sheets with your friends and family online or offline.

Creating and playing hangman game using Google Sheets is very easy and fast. You just need to follow some simple steps and use some formulas and functions in your spreadsheet. You can also customize your hangman game according to your preferences and needs. You can also share your hangman game with others and get feedback and suggestions.

With Google Sheets, you can create and play hangman game in a fast and easy way. You can also have fun and learn new words. So what are you waiting for? Download Google Sheets today and start creating and playing hangman game.×


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