HD Online Player (Twenty Korean Movie Eng Sub Srt 48)

HD Online Player (Twenty Korean Movie Eng Sub Srt 48)

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HD Online Player (Twenty Korean Movie Eng Sub Srt 48)

46. the use of sexual content/language in the online world presents a serious threat to human dignity. this is especially so when it becomes a tool in the hands of paedophiles. in fact, the paedophiles they “catch”, “hold”, or “talk to” online are not only adults, but also children, who are often under the age of “age of consent”, in the current conventions of both the catholic and secular traditions.

this danger is raised yet again by the widespread use of social networks, in which the proliferation of pornographic and abusive images has been noted in recent years. it is not the visibility that is the problem, but rather the visibility of children and adolescents, and above all, of children as objects. this happens when images that can “catch” and “hold” children are posted in these networks, and above all, when the “selfies” that they take are posted online in such a way that they are available to paedophiles. this should remind us of the responsibility that each of us, as a member of society and as individuals, has in preventing this issue from becoming more serious.

47. i am sometimes baffled when i read the comments on social network sites. i would like to see a more just, compassionate and unselfish world. how can we expect this of young people when we see what they are being subjected to? it seems as though too many of our young people are not only entering the online world, but are also remaining within it. this must change.

48. this conversion of a real world of communication into a virtual world can cause an insidious confusion of time and space. conventional time allows us to experience what is lived at its most concrete and authentic.

the more i explore the world i do not live in the more i realize that we are all the same. the more of us that look into anothers face it’s like we are face to face, of course we are physically distant. the world that we are built on the world that we try to understand is a place that we create to feel closer to other humans.
also the more you look into someone the more you can see their dignity, and the more of their humanity you can see they are not a monster (yes that was clearly a cheap shot). you might say that this is a prejudice, and yes i am sure we all come from a place of prejudice (some of them much worse). in some cases they are placed on pedestals (like buddha) and in other cases can be viewed as utterly vile and harmful.
however the more you explore we are all human. the more you look at this the more similarities you find. i wrote in a comment once that all humans act naturally. some learn to control their behavior and others do not. there are many individuals that have no filters and act the way they are suppose to. personally i like to be able to control my emotions. i am more mature when i am being myself and i want others to be able to feel comfortable about being themselves.
in fact i know that more and more people are looking at other races. they are more accepting. sure there is always some hateful individuals out there, they look for various reasons to be hateful but the more that people understand the less willing they are to be hateful.
yes i agree on the education piece. we have so many issues that we have to start with education. i also agree with the other comment that it is the younger generation that are going to benefit the most.


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