AutoCAD Free [Win/Mac] 2022







AutoCAD Crack + Free Download For PC


2 What Is AutoCAD?

3 Features and Functionality

3.1 Basic Drawing

3.2 Design

3.3 Dynamic Components

3.4 Drawing Tools

3.4.1 Pen & Brush

3.4.2 Dimensioning

3.4.3 Ortho Mode

3.4.4 Layers

3.4.5 Styles

3.5 Filters

3.6 External Libraries

4 Customizing AutoCAD

4.1 The User Interface

4.2 Paper Size & Grids

4.3 Multiple User Settings

4.4 Defaults

5 Connecting AutoCAD and Other Applications

5.1 Installing.NET Components

5.2 AutoCAD App for Microsoft Excel

6 Real World Uses

6.1 AutoCAD Tips & Tricks

6.2 AutoCAD Examples

7 AutoCAD Tips & Tricks

8 AutoCAD Certification

9 Revision History

10 References

10.1 Appendices

What Is AutoCAD?

AutoCAD is a complete set of tools for creating, editing, viewing and printing 2D drawings. It also offers a variety of additional features like CAD interoperability, 3D plotting, and interoperability with other Autodesk applications.

Features and Functionality

The following is an overview of the AutoCAD tools and features, with some of the most relevant features and capabilities in bold.

Basic Drawing

2D drawing creation and editing tools.

3D drawing creation and editing tools.

2D and 3D drawing conversion tools.

3D drawing viewing tools.

Integration with other Autodesk applications.

Drawing Components

3D Dimensions


Drafting Dimensions

Page setup.

Styles and Color Palettes.

Orientation & grid.

Layer Management.

Viewing Modes.

Drafting Filters.

Selective Display.



CAD Filters.

3D Plotting

Paper and grid settings.

Resizing, panning and zooming.

Quick View and report.




The user interface in AutoCAD Download With Full Crack allows programming in a high-level language. AutoLISP was developed by CadSoft, Autodesk’s developer partner for the product, and has the advantage that all AutoCAD functions are available to the user through simple notation, rather than the command language. AutoLISP is a compiled language, and therefore runs faster than the interpreted version of Visual LISP. AutoLISP is now not maintained anymore.

Visual LISP was developed by Autodesk in the 1980s. Visual LISP is an interpreted language and very slow. It is no longer maintained.

To use AutoLISP, a single.lp file can be loaded from a folder. This file must contain the macro-notation used to call AutoLISP functions. This macro-notation can be generated from the Visual LISP compiler, which is included in AutoLISP. The executable that is generated can then be used directly from AutoCAD as an AutoLISP script or through the AutoCAD API from any programming language such as Visual Basic, C++, or Visual LISP. The AutoLISP command language is very limited. Much of the code that is generated by the AutoLISP compiler is tedious to read and produce in Visual LISP.

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is the name of the programming language used in AutoCAD for writing macros. It is the most accessible language for most users.

The AutoCAD command language can be used to create procedures which can be run automatically. These procedures are called macros.

VBA can be used for both programming and creating macros. It is often used to create macros for use with AutoCAD, but can be used for any language that understands Visual Basic. The AutoCAD Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) language is a managed visual basic programming language. It can be used to create user macros or objects.

It is not recommended to use Visual LISP or VBA for new applications or updates. AutoLISP is much more powerful.

AutoLISP is the most widely used programming language in AutoCAD. AutoLISP is a compiled language, meaning that it is converted into a file that can be used to load in AutoCAD. This is a trade-off for speed, since it is slower to load AutoLISP scripts into AutoCAD than to use the command language.

AutoCAD Crack Incl Product Key

Open the Autodesk Autocad using the Autocad icon.
Click on the Autocad icon.
Click on File.
Click on Save.
Enter the File Name as keygen.
Click on Save.
Close Autocad.
Download the Autocad and activate it using the keygen.

January 24, 2011

(TORONTO) — Toronto’s new light-rail system is expected to be ready for testing next month, though there are concerns about how the city will plan to promote it while getting a grip on growing demand for transit in a congested metropolis.

The $1.2-billion line — which begins operating on May 12, 2011 — will run from the city’s east end to the eastern suburbs and West Toronto on a 14-stop route. When completed, the city says it will reduce bus travel times in the downtown by more than 30 minutes.

Starting today, the city is publishing project information and brochures on the Web to give Torontonians and transit experts a preview of the system.

But the city says it’s been in contact with Google Inc., which is producing a prototype vehicle for the new system that it will test at “an undisclosed location” next month, says Anthony Perl, deputy commissioner for transportation for the city of Toronto.

“We’re going to meet with the provincial government to discuss how they would like to support the project,” he said. “At this point, we have not identified or created a contract for a marketing campaign.”

Like most transit systems around the world, Toronto’s is expected to face increasing demand as populations grow and commuting distances increase, Perl said. But unlike other cities, he said, the light-rail transit line has been designed with a new stop, the University of Toronto’s Scarborough Campus, in mind. It has made the system accessible for students and faculty on the west side of the city, he said.

The line is also being built for two-way traffic, whereas most lines in North America are one-way. This means that cars that stop at the same location as a light-rail train will be able to turn left on to Richmond St., and buses traveling along that route would be able to do the same, Perl said.

Faster and more flexible than conventional bus routes, the light-rail system is expected to make the entire streetcar line in downtown Toronto obsolete. Most of the cars will be on the overhead track,

What’s New In?

Share Markups:

Receive third-party feedback or changes and incorporate them into your design with the press of a button.

Create AutoCAD 2023 Version:

Use the “Create” command to create a new AutoCAD version in the Autodesk 360 cloud.

New AutoCAD screen elements:

Screen elements for workflow and information display

Screen elements for visualizing changes and simplifying the interface

Hover Tool

New drawing tools:

Stroke tool

Dimension tool

Drafting tools

Draw rectangle, ellipse, arc, line, polyline, circle, circle arc, and freehand polyline

Customize your commands

Import and modify existing commands:

Import existing commands from an external library

Modify commands with a control panel

New families of commands:


Spatial Data

Data Log



Vector regions

Vector text

Vector shapes

Vector symbols


Drafting markers

Graphic styles

Text styles

Miter styles

Line styles

Align styles

Color styles

Fill styles

Symbol styles

Sketch styles





Quality control

Raster styles

Grouping styles


Grid styles

Ruler styles

Pen styles

Radial ruler

Polar ruler




Animation, video, and spatial

Geocode maps

Freehand annotations

Warped annotation

3D warp annotation

Camera view





Full-Screen view


Designer collections


Model browser

Item browser




Parameter tables


Radial dimension





Snap views

Selection views

Grid views





Raster layers

Sheet sets



Change case


System Requirements For AutoCAD:

OS: Windows Vista
Windows Vista Processor: Intel Pentium 4 or later processor
Intel Pentium 4 or later processor Memory: 1 GB RAM
1 GB RAM Graphics: DirectX 9-compatible graphics card
DirectX 9-compatible graphics card DirectX: 9.0c compatible
9.0c compatible Hard Drive: 4 GB available hard disk space
4 GB available hard disk space Other Requirements: Internet connection
Mac OS X 10.6 or later
10.6 or later Processor: Intel Core i5 or later

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