AutoCAD 2020 23.1 Crack [Win/Mac] [Updated]







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In 2013, AutoCAD Crack Keygen was estimated to have over 37 million licensed users.


AutoCAD was originally marketed as a desktop drafting and graphics application with the potential to expand into 3-D modeling for microcomputers. It was first released in December 1982.

Workstation release

The first version of AutoCAD, Release 1, was a workstation application for Hewlett-Packard Company microcomputers running the HP-9000 series of machines. It was based on the HP-2780 “Hewlett-Packard DOS/CAD Graphics Workstation”, and included a light-pen, graphics capabilities in the same toolbox as the drawing program, and it supported HP-9000 graphics chip operating systems for displays. The workstation application was different from a disk-image that the user could install on their desktop. A user would purchase the disk-image version of AutoCAD from Autodesk. It was released on 21 November 1982.

Modular release

AutoCAD Release 2, released in April 1983, was the first major redesign of AutoCAD. Release 2 was a modular application, allowing the user to purchase one of a number of options, such as color, resizable windows, a window designator, or an improved right-click mouse. The other main innovations of Release 2 included a windows-based drawing environment and a more powerful command line. The command line allowed a user to search through menus and files in order to find the programs and options he or she needed. In the same year, AutoCAD was ported to IBM PC-compatible computers, starting with MS-DOS 5.0. The first version to run on IBM PC-compatible personal computers was Release 3, released in December 1985.

The Windows release of AutoCAD was released in 1992. With the release of Windows 3.0, the user had the option of using the new DOS/Win operating system, which would open all of AutoCAD’s components in a window without the need to switch to it from MS-DOS, and would allow AutoCAD to run on a graphical display. AutoCAD Windows for Windows 3.0 was released in August 1992, and was based on the Windows version of Release 4. AutoCAD’s appearance on Windows was also made available to Windows for Workgroups 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups 3.11.

Mobile release

The first version of AutoCAD available on the

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AutoCAD is the third oldest CAD program in the world, after MicroStation and MicroPlan. Its first version was released in 1982, but it didn’t take off until 1990, when it was purchased by CAD Associates. The first version was a trial version, which was released in November 1985. The trial version was developed by the software company MicroStation, which was acquired by Autodesk in 1996. The original version was only sold to Autodesk employees and VARs, so it wasn’t readily available to the general public until version 2000. The first non-development release of AutoCAD in version 2000 was renamed “AutoCAD R14” in May 1997. This version was also the first commercially available AutoCAD version for the Windows platform.

Version 2001 was released on September 20, 2001 and sold commercially on October 25, 2001. The first commercially available AutoCAD version with the R14 name was for Macintosh. Autodesk released a Windows version with the Windows name on February 4, 2002. The first version with an architecture name was Autodesk 2003. This was released on September 27, 2002. Autodesk renamed the name of the software to “AutoCAD”, although it was still known by the non-architectural name “AutoCAD R14” and not AutoCAD Architecture, Autodesk Architecture or AutoCAD Architecture for some time. On May 13, 2004 Autodesk released AutoCAD 2004 (version 14.3). It was released on September 16, 2004 as AutoCAD Architectural for Macintosh and on October 1, 2004, it was renamed AutoCAD. Autodesk Architectural (version 14.4) was released on September 15, 2005. It was released on October 1, 2005 for Macintosh, with the Windows version released on December 15, 2005. Autodesk Architectural is now called AutoCAD. In 2005, Autodesk Architecture was discontinued. AutoCAD 2011 was released on September 13, 2006. It was released on September 20, 2009 for Macintosh, with the Windows version released on December 14, 2009. AutoCAD 2012 was released on September 14, 2010. Autodesk discontinued the website in favor of, so it was not possible to obtain Autodesk’s new version of AutoCAD from the website.

The latest version of AutoCAD is AutoCAD 2020 released on October 14, 2019. Aut

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Instructions to unlock Autodesk Autocad 2019 student edition
This part is not compulsory, just an option. You could download a free student edition from Autodesk Autocad website and use it to unlock Autodes

What’s New in the?

New multi-document markup: You can now create multi-document markup in the drawing table with the new Multi-document Markup tool. No need to re-import your markup into each drawing. Each time you place a new drawing in the table, your multi-document markup remains. The Multi-document Markup tool works with any of the available Markup tools in AutoCAD and creates a local copy of your markup in every drawing where it is placed.

New support for drawing with a snap. The new snapping option, Snap Guide, is perfect for sketching and quick-and-dirty design. With the snap guide feature enabled, you can create and place objects very quickly and precisely. You can turn off the snap guide with a single click, if you want. (video: 1:55 min.)

New lighting effects in the interface: You can now choose from a variety of lighting effects in the Autodesk® User Interface (UI). Choose from eight lighting effects to accentuate the look of your drawings, or blend those effects with existing lighting and object properties. You can also use a lighting effect as the color of your object, to give your drawings a unique look. In addition, there are new visual effects for global illumination. In AutoCAD, you can now use the texture on an object to control its light reflection. You can also use glow to simulate sunlight on your objects. (video: 2:36 min.)

New Internet web publishing: You can now share and publish a link to a design on the web from your drawing or model. Just add the link to your drawing and click Publish from the ribbon. You can also preview how your drawing will look on a web page and save it as a web page to use in other programs.

New templates: You can now create a new drawing template to save time and improve the look of your drawings. You can customize the template to meet your specific needs. Choose from a number of predefined or custom colors and add existing drawing properties to the template. You can also add your own drawing objects, including multiple views, and link them to the template. There are several new templates available in AutoCAD. (video: 2:15 min.)

New interactive 3D views: You can now add 3D geometry to your drawings. Create box and sphere views for your designs. Your box views will use the same shading and color as the rest of your drawing, so you won

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

Graphics: Intel HD 4000 or better
OS: Windows 7 SP1
Processor: Intel Core i5-2400 or better
HDD: 15 GB
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