Download Contract Vanzare Cumparare Auto Germania [PATCHED]

How to Download a Car Sale Contract in Germany: A Complete Guide

If you are planning to buy a used car in Germany from a private seller, you will need to download a car sale contract (contract vanzare cumparare auto germania) to make the transaction official and legal. This document contains all the details of the car, the buyer, the seller, and the terms of the sale. It also serves as a proof of ownership and a receipt of payment.

But how can you download a car sale contract in Germany? What information do you need to fill in? And what are the benefits of using this document? In this article, we will answer these questions and provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to download a car sale contract in Germany.

What is a car sale contract in Germany?

A car sale contract in Germany (contract vanzare cumparare auto germania) is a bilingual document that records the agreement between a buyer and a seller of a used car. It is written in both German and Romanian, so that both parties can understand it easily. The contract includes the following information:

  • The name and address of the buyer and the seller
  • The vehicle identification number (Fahrzeug-Identifizierungsnummer)
  • The price (Preis)
  • The payment confirmation (Zahlungsbestätigung)
  • The place and date of the sale (Ort und Datum)
  • The number of the second part of the registration certificate (Nummer der Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil 2)
  • The date of the first registration (Tag der Erstzulassung)
  • The mileage (Kilometerstand)
  • The date of the next technical inspection (Zeitraum der nächsten Hauptuntersuchung)
  • The note of major repairs or defects (Vermerk von größeren Reparaturen oder Mängeln)
  • The statement of no accidents (Unfallfreiheit)
  • The number of previous owners (Anzahl der Vorbesitzer)
  • The number of keys (Anzahl der Schlüssel)
  • The original or replaced engine (Originalmotor / Austauschmotor)
  • Other uses (taxi, rental car, etc.) if applicable

The contract also contains a declaration that the seller transfers the ownership of the car to the buyer, and that the buyer accepts it as it is, without any warranty or guarantee. The contract must be signed by both parties and witnessed by two persons.

Why do you need a car sale contract in Germany?

A car sale contract in Germany is not only a legal requirement, but also a useful tool for both buyers and sellers. Here are some of the benefits of using this document:

  • It protects you from fraud and disputes. By having a written agreement, you can avoid misunderstandings and conflicts with the other party. You can also prove that you have paid for the car or that you have sold it legally.
  • It helps you with the registration and taxation process. By having a car sale contract, you can easily register your car at the local authority (Zulassungsstelle) and pay the vehicle tax (Kfz-Steuer) to the finance office (Finanzamt). You will need to present the first part of the registration certificate (Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil 1), the second part of the registration certificate (Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil 2), the license plate (Kennzeichen), and the proof of technical inspection (Nachweis).
  • It saves you time and money. By downloading a car sale contract online, you can avoid hiring a lawyer or a translator to draft one for you. You can also save paper and ink by printing only one copy for each party.

How to download a car sale contract in Germany?

Downloading a car sale contract in Germany is easy and fast. You can follow these steps:

  1. Go to this website, which offers free templates for car sale

    Where to download a car sale contract in Germany?

    There are many websites that offer free templates for car sale contracts in Germany. You can choose the one that suits your needs and preferences. Here are some of the most popular ones:

    • This website provides a comprehensive guide on how to buy a car in Germany, as well as a free contract template that you can download and print. The contract is written in both German and Romanian, and covers all the essential information.
    • This website allows you to access and download various documents, including a car sale contract in Germany. The contract is also bilingual, and includes the payment terms and conditions, the vehicle details, and the signatures.
    • This website belongs to the German Automobile Club (ADAC), which offers various services and advice for car owners and drivers. The website has a free contract template that you can customize and download. The contract is only in German, but it has a clear and simple structure.

    How to fill in a car sale contract in Germany?

    Filling in a car sale contract in Germany is not difficult, but you need to pay attention to the details and avoid mistakes. Here are some tips on how to fill in a car sale contract in Germany:

    • Use a pen with black or blue ink, and write clearly and legibly.
    • Fill in all the fields with the correct information, and do not leave any blanks.
    • Check the spelling and grammar of both languages, and use online tools or dictionaries if needed.
    • Make sure that both parties agree on the price, the payment method, and the delivery date.
    • Sign the contract in front of two witnesses, who should also sign and provide their names and addresses.
    • Make two copies of the contract, one for each party, and keep them safe.


    A car sale contract in Germany (contract vanzare cumparare auto germania) is a vital document that you need to download if you want to buy a used car from a private seller. It contains all the information about the car, the buyer, the seller, and the terms of the sale. It also protects you from fraud and disputes, helps you with the registration and taxation process, and saves you time and money. You can download a free template from various websites, and fill it in with care and accuracy. By following this guide, you can download a car sale contract in Germany easily and quickly.

    – How to find a good deal on a used car in Germany
    – How to negotiate the price and the conditions of the sale
    – How to inspect the car and check its history and condition
    – How to register and insure your car in Germany
    – How to drive safely and legally in Germany

    – How to find a good deal on a used car in Germany
    – How to negotiate the price and the conditions of the sale
    – How to inspect the car and check its history and condition
    – How to register and insure your car in Germany
    – How to drive safely and legally in Germany

    – How to find a good deal on a used car in Germany
    – How to negotiate the price and the conditions of the sale
    – How to inspect the car and check its history and condition
    – How to register and insure your car in Germany
    – How to drive safely and legally in Germany

    – How to find a good deal on a used car in Germany
    – How to negotiate the price and the conditions of the sale
    – How to inspect the car and check its history and condition
    – How to register and insure your car in Germany
    – How to drive safely and legally in Germany

    How to find a good deal on a used car in Germany

    Buying a used car in Germany can be a smart and economical choice, but you need to do some research and comparison before you make a decision. Here are some tips on how to find a good deal on a used car in Germany:

    • Decide on your budget and preferences. Think about how much you can afford to spend, what kind of car you need and want, and what features and specifications are important for you.
    • Search online and offline. There are many websites and platforms that offer listings of used cars in Germany, such as,, or eBay Kleinanzeigen. You can also check local newspapers, magazines, or bulletin boards for ads. Alternatively, you can visit dealerships or private sellers in person and see the cars for yourself.
    • Compare prices and conditions. Once you have found some potential cars, compare their prices and conditions. Look at the mileage, the age, the service history, the technical inspection report, the accident history, and the warranty. You can also use online tools or calculators to estimate the market value of the car.
    • Negotiate and test drive. If you have found a car that meets your criteria, contact the seller and arrange a meeting. Negotiate the price and the terms of the sale, and ask for any documents or proofs that you need. Test drive the car and check its performance, functionality, and appearance. If possible, bring a mechanic or a friend who knows about cars to help you inspect the car.

    How to negotiate the price and the conditions of the sale

    Negotiating the price and the conditions of the sale is an important part of buying a used car in Germany. You want to get the best deal possible, but you also want to be fair and respectful. Here are some tips on how to negotiate the price and the conditions of the sale:

    • Do your homework. Before you start negotiating, do some research on the market value of the car, the average prices of similar cars, and the demand and supply of the car model. This will help you determine a reasonable price range and avoid overpaying or underpaying.
    • Be polite and confident. When you contact the seller, be polite and friendly, but also confident and assertive. Express your interest in the car, but also point out any flaws or defects that you have noticed. Ask questions and clarify any doubts or concerns that you have.
    • Make an offer and haggle. Start with an offer that is lower than your maximum budget, but not too low to offend or discourage the seller. Expect some haggling and counteroffers from the seller, and be prepared to compromise and adjust your offer accordingly. However, do not agree to anything that you are not comfortable with or that exceeds your budget.
    • Close the deal and sign the contract. Once you have reached an agreement with the seller, close the deal and sign the contract (contract vanzare cumparare auto germania). Make sure that everything is written down clearly and accurately, and that both parties understand and agree on all the terms. Pay the agreed amount, either in cash or by bank transfer, and get a receipt of payment. Collect all the documents and keys from the seller, and register your car as soon as possible.


    Buying a used car in Germany can be a rewarding and economical experience, but it also requires some preparation and caution. You need to download a car sale contract (contract vanzare cumparare auto germania) to make the transaction official and legal. You also need to find a good deal on a used car, negotiate the price and the conditions of the sale, inspect the car and check its history and condition, register and insure your car, and drive safely and legally in Germany. By following this guide, you can download a car sale contract in Germany easily and quickly, and enjoy your new car without any hassle.


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