Giana Sisters – Twisted Dreams GOG Cheat Engine !!BETTER!!

Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams GOG Cheat Engine: A Guide for Beginners

If you are a fan of Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams, a platform game developed by Black Forest Games and published by, you may want to try using Cheat Engine to hack the game and have some fun. Cheat Engine is a software that allows you to modify the memory of any running process on your computer, such as games. With Cheat Engine, you can change various aspects of the game, such as your score, lives, health, abilities, and more.

What is Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams?

Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams is a platform game that features two contrasting worlds: the cute and colorful Dream World and the dark and gloomy Nightmare World. You play as Giana, a girl who can switch between these two worlds at will. Each world has its own unique features and challenges, and you have to use your skills and abilities to overcome them. You can also transform into two different personas: Cute Giana and Punk Giana. Each persona has its own abilities and style of movement. Cute Giana can twirl and glide through the air, while Punk Giana can dash and smash through obstacles.

What is Cheat Engine?

Cheat Engine is a software that allows you to modify the memory of any running process on your computer, such as games. With Cheat Engine, you can scan the memory of the game and find the values that correspond to various aspects of the game, such as your score, lives, health, abilities, and more. You can then change these values to whatever you want, giving you an advantage or making the game more fun. You can also use Cheat Engine to create your own cheats or trainers for the game.

How to use Cheat Engine to hack Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams GOG version?

Before you start hacking the game, make sure you have Cheat Engine installed on your computer. You can download it from here. Also, make sure you have the GOG version of Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams running on your computer. You can buy it from here. Once you have everything ready, follow these steps:

  1. Open Cheat Engine and click on the Select Process icon (the computer icon).
  2. Select GianaSisters.exe from the list of processes and click Open.
  3. Go back to the game and play for a while. Take note of your current score, lives, health, or any other aspect of the game that you want to hack.
  4. Go back to Cheat Engine and click on the Scan Type drop-down menu. Select Exact Value.
  5. In the Value box, enter the value that you want to hack. For example, if you want to hack your score, enter your current score.
  6. Click on First Scan. You will see a list of addresses and values on the left panel.
  7. Go back to the game and play for a while. Change the value that you want to hack by collecting points, losing lives, getting hit, or any other way.
  8. Go back to Cheat Engine and enter the new value in the Value box.
  9. Click on Next Scan. You will see a smaller list of addresses and values on the left panel.
  10. Repeat steps 7-9 until you have only one or a few addresses left on the left panel.
  11. Select all the addresses on the left panel by clicking on them while holding Ctrl.
  12. Right-click on any of the selected addresses and select Add Selected Addresses To The Address List.
  13. You will see a list of addresses and values on the bottom panel.
  14. Double-click on any of the values on the bottom panel and change it to whatever you want. For example, if you want to have unlimited lives, change it to 99.
  15. Go back to the game and enjoy your hacked game.

You can also use Cheat Engine to create your own cheats or trainers for Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams GOG version by using scripts or pointers. For more information on how to do that, you can check out Cheat Engine’s wiki.

What are some examples of cheats for Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams GOG version?

There are many cheats that you can use for Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams GOG version to make the game more fun and easy. Some of them are:

  • Score Multiplier: This cheat allows you to multiply your score by 100, giving you a huge advantage in the game. You can use Cheat Engine to activate this cheat by changing the value of your score to whatever you want.
  • Always Have Protection: This cheat allows you to have an invisible shield that protects you from any damage or harm. You can use Cheat Engine to activate this cheat by changing the value of your shield to 1.
  • Invincibility: This cheat allows you to be invincible and immune to any damage or harm. You can use Cheat Engine to activate this cheat by changing the value of your health to a high number.
  • Unlimited Jumps and Dash: This cheat allows you to jump and dash anytime, as many times as you want, and stay in the air as long as you want. You can use Cheat Engine to activate this cheat by changing the value of your jumps and dash to 1.
  • Unlock All Levels and Modes: This cheat allows you to unlock all the levels and modes in the game, including the Dream Rush mode, the Hardcore mode, and the Über Hardcore mode. You can use Cheat Engine to activate this cheat by changing the value of your progress to 100%.

These are some examples of cheats that you can use for Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams GOG version. However, you should be careful when using these cheats, as they may cause some glitches or errors in the game. You should also use them at your own risk, as they may affect your enjoyment or satisfaction of the game.

What are some reviews of Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams GOG version?

Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams GOG version is a platform game that has received mostly positive reviews from critics and players. The game is praised for its beautiful graphics, clever level design, challenging gameplay, and dual world mechanic. The game is also criticized for some technical issues, repetitive enemies, and lack of online multiplayer. Here are some excerpts from some reviews of Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams GOG version:

  • “Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams is a gorgeous, intelligent platformer. Beginning with a blatant Super Mario Bros. rip-off for the Commodore 64, the series was revitalized after last year’s successful Kickstarter campaign by developer Black Forest Games. The result is an ambitious game with variable mechanics, visuals, and music, all hinging on a well-implemented duality system.” – GameSpot
  • “Twisted Dreams goes with a trial by fire approach to teaching you things, and it works out fairly well since checkpoints are frequent and you can just retry until you figure stuff out for yourself. The game’s difficulty curve is fairly steep though, so be prepared to die a lot. Fortunately, the game’s controls are tight and responsive, so you never feel like you’re fighting them.” – Hardcore Gamer
  • “Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams is a beautiful platformer that will challenge your skills and your patience. It’s not a game for everyone, but if you’re looking for a hardcore experience with a great soundtrack and stunning visuals, you should give it a try.” – user review

These are some examples of reviews of Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams GOG version. You can find more reviews on, GameSpot, Hardcore Gamer, and other websites.

What are some tips and tricks for Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams GOG version?

Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams GOG version is a platform game that requires you to use your skills, speed, and brains to twist the dream world and defeat the bosses. The game can be quite challenging and frustrating at times, but there are some tips and tricks that can help you to overcome the difficulties and enjoy the game. Here are some of them:

  • Learn how to use the dual world mechanic effectively. You can switch between the cute and punk personas of Giana at any time, changing the level layout, graphics, music, and your abilities. You need to master this mechanic to solve puzzles, avoid obstacles, collect gems, and fight enemies. For example, you can use the cute persona to glide over gaps or spikes, and then switch to the punk persona to dash through enemies or walls.
  • Explore the levels and find hidden secrets. The levels in Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams are full of secrets and hidden areas that contain extra gems, lives, or power-ups. You can use the dual world mechanic to reveal or access these secrets. For example, you can switch to the punk persona to break a wall that hides a secret passage, or switch to the cute persona to make a platform appear that leads to a hidden area.
  • Use the checkpoints wisely. The game has frequent checkpoints that save your progress and restore your health. However, they also reset your score multiplier and your power-ups. You can choose whether to activate a checkpoint or not by jumping over it or avoiding it. Sometimes, it may be better to skip a checkpoint if you have a high score multiplier or a useful power-up.
  • Practice and replay the levels. The game has three difficulty modes: normal, hard, and hardcore. Each mode has different enemy placements, level layouts, and gem locations. You can replay any level that you have completed in any mode to improve your skills, score, or time. You can also unlock new modes by completing certain levels or challenges.
  • Have fun and experiment with different strategies. The game allows you to play in different ways depending on your preference and style. You can focus on speed-running through the levels, collecting all the gems, finding all the secrets, or defeating all the enemies. You can also try different strategies for each level or boss by using different personas, power-ups, or moves.

These are some tips and tricks for Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams GOG version. You can find more tips and tricks on forum, Steam community guides, or other websites.


Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams GOG version is a platform game that combines the challenge of retro era platforming with graphics that pack a visual punch and tight controls. The game features a dual world mechanic that allows you to switch between two different personas and levels at any time, affecting the gameplay, graphics, and music. The game also features a dual-sided retro/metal soundtrack by Chris Huelsbeck and Machinae Supremacy. The game has received mostly positive reviews from critics and players, who praised its beautiful graphics, clever level design, challenging gameplay, and dual world mechanic. The game also has some technical issues, repetitive enemies, and lack of online multiplayer.

If you want to play Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams GOG version, you can buy it from You can also use Cheat Engine to hack the game and have some fun. Cheat Engine is a software that allows you to modify the memory of any running process on your computer, such as games. With Cheat Engine, you can change various aspects of the game, such as your score, lives, health, abilities, and more. You can also use Cheat Engine to create your own cheats or trainers for the game.

If you need some help or tips for playing Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams GOG version, you can check out some of the tips and tricks that we have provided in this article. You can also find more tips and tricks on forum, Steam community guides, or other websites.

We hope that you have enjoyed reading this article and that you have learned something new about Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams GOG version. Thank you for your attention and have a nice day.


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