
The Book of Monotheism and Its Commentary: Fathul Majid by Abdurrahman bin Hasan Alu Syaikh

If you are interested in learning about the core belief of Islam, which is tawhid (the oneness of Allah), you might want to read Fathul Majid. This is a commentary on Kitabut Tawhid, a famous book by Muhammad bin Abdil Wahhab, the founder of the Wahhabi movement.

Kitabut Tawhid is a book that explains the concept of tawhid in detail, based on the Quran and the Sunnah (the teachings and practices of Prophet Muhammad). It also warns against shirk (associating partners with Allah), which is the opposite of tawhid and the greatest sin in Islam. It covers various topics related to tawhid, such as its definition, importance, categories, types, conditions, consequences, beliefs, attributes, matters, proofs, opinions, doubts, etc.

Fathul Majid is a book that was written by Abdurrahman bin Hasan Alu Syaikh, the grandson of Muhammad bin Abdil Wahhab. He wrote it to clarify and defend the teachings of his grandfather, who was accused of being a heretic and an innovator by some scholars. Fathul Majid is considered one of the best explanations of Kitabut Tawhid, as it provides evidences from the Quran and the Sunnah, as well as the opinions of the salaf (the righteous predecessors).

In this article, we will give you an overview of Fathul Majid and its contents, as well as how you can benefit from reading it. Please note that this article is for informational purposes only and we do not endorse or recommend any particular sect or group in Islam.

What is Fathul Majid?

Fathul Majid is a book that consists of 11 chapters and a conclusion. It covers various topics related to tawhid, such as:

  • The definition and importance of tawhid
  • The categories and types of tawhid
  • The conditions and consequences of la ilaha illa Allah (there is no god but Allah)
  • The 50 beliefs that every Muslim must have
  • The attributes and names of Allah
  • The attributes and status of the prophets and messengers
  • The belief in the angels
  • The matters that are related to tawhid, such as shirk (associating partners with Allah), kufr (disbelief), nifaq (hypocrisy), bid’ah (innovation), ta’wil (misinterpretation), takfir (declaring someone as a disbeliever), etc.
  • The proofs and evidences for tawhid from the Quran and the Sunnah
  • The opinions and statements of the salaf regarding tawhid
  • The refutation of the doubts and misconceptions about tawhid

Fathul Majid is written in a clear and simple language, with references to the original sources. It also contains footnotes and annotations by some scholars, such as Ibn Baz, who added some explanations and corrections.

How to Read Fathul Majid?

If you want to read Fathul Majid, you can find it online in PDF format or buy it from a bookstore. However, before you read it, you should keep in mind some points:

  1. You should have some basic knowledge of Arabic, as the book contains many verses and hadiths in Arabic. You can also use a translation or a dictionary if needed.
  2. You should read it with an open mind and a sincere intention, seeking the truth and guidance from Allah.
  3. You should verify the authenticity and accuracy of the information in the book, by checking the sources and references.
  4. You should not blindly follow or reject everything in the book, but rather use your reason and evidence to evaluate it.
  5. You should consult a qualified scholar if you have any questions or doubts about the book or its contents.



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