Apriori Generator Torrent X64 [2022-Latest]







Apriori Generator

Apriori Generator is a tool that’s been developed using the Java programming language.
Apriori Generator allows generating frequent itemsets, transactions, and rules from the support, confidence, and support+confidence values of the itemsets.
Generates frequent itemsets using a bottom-up approach.
Each frequent itemset is classified as either prime or non-prime.
For each rule, support, confidence, support+confidence, and p-value are calculated.
The algorithm:
Frequent itemsets are generated using the Apriori algorithm.
Assign confidence, support, and support+confidence values to the itemsets.
Calculate the support of the itemsets.
Calculate the support+confidence of the itemsets.
Calculate the confidence value of each itemsets.
Generate all possible itemsets with support, support+confidence, confidence and p-value.
The algorithm includes:
* Counting
* Support
* Support+confidence
* Confidence
* p-value
* Prime itemset
* Non-prime itemset
Frequent itemsets generation:
Apriori Generator generates all frequent itemsets using the Apriori algorithm.
The following algorithms are used to generate frequent itemsets:
– Support counting
– Support+confidence counting
– Confidence counting
– Prime itemset counting
– Non-prime itemset counting
The algorithm is:
1. Calculate the support of each itemsets.
1. Calculate the support+confidence of each itemsets.
1. Calculate the confidence of each itemsets.
1. Generate all possible itemsets with support, support+confidence, confidence and p-value.
1. Check if the support of the itemsets meet the threshold.
1. If the support value does not meet the threshold then the itemset is not the frequent itemsets.
1. If the support+confidence value does not meet the threshold then the itemset is not the frequent itemsets.
1. If the confidence value does not meet the threshold then the itemset is not the frequent itemsets.
1. Generate all the itemset with support and support+confidence value.
1. For each itemsets check if the support of the itemsets meet the threshold.
1. If the support value does not meet the threshold then the itemset is not the frequent itemsets.

Apriori Generator

The KEYMACRO is an easy-to-use macro for the command line that enables running the Apriori generator.
This is a command line macro tool that allows to do more than one thing through the use of a single macro.
To use the KEYMACRO, first we create the template and then execute the macro.
When you execute a KEYMACRO, it will execute the list of commands written inside the macro’s template.
You can read about the KEYMACRO, and many other useful tips, in the KEYMACRO reference manual.
Also, you can download the KEYMACRO from the SourceForge project page.
The documentation of the KEYMACRO tool is available as a text file (KEYMACRO.txt) that can be found in the same folder as the jar.
It also includes detailed instructions about how to execute the KEYMACRO tool.
Another useful link about the KEYMACRO is at the bottom of this page.

Apriori Generator Features

It can generate the frequent itmeset itemsets, the infrequent itemsets,
and itemsets with more than two items.

It can generate the following itemset rule:

Number of Items=1

Number of Items=2

Number of Items=3

Number of Items=4

It can calculate the support for any itemset.

It can create the rules and patterns as well as the logs.

It can show the support value of the itemset and the rules.

It can print the support for any itemset and the support for the rules.

It can export the itemset log to a text file or a CSV file.

It can generate the patterns and rules.

It can generate the infrequent itemsets and the frequent itemsets.

It can generate the frequent and infrequent itemsets.

It can generate the pattern rules as well as the support values.

It can generate the support value for the frequent itemsets and patterns.

It can show the support for the itemsets and the support for the rules.

It can show the support for the infrequent itemsets and the support for the patterns.

It can generate the itemsets as well as the support values.

It can generate the itemsets and patterns.

It can generate the support for the itemsets.

It can generate the support for the patterns.

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* Frequent Itemset Generation
* Normal Form representation
* Support Features Counting
* Support cluster reports (i.e. if itemset has attribute, then count how many nodes has it.)
* Support inclusion/exclusion
* Support projection
* Support G-set creation
* Support Apriori Algorithm
* Support compound features
* Support G-set.
* Support projection
* Support Apriori Algorithm
* Support regular expression generation
* Support CNF generation
* Support top-k itemset
* Support database normalization
* Support database normalization
Apriori Generator Structure:
Apriori Generator structure is made up of user interfaces, support classes, and domain classes.
This structure supports both CLI and GUI interfaces.

Apriori Generator CLI
Apriori Generator CLI is written in Java programming language.
Apriori Generator CLI uses an MVC model.
MVC model is used to separate the UI from the logic of the program.
Apriori Generator CLI has the following parts:
Controller is a class that drives the flow of the program.
Viewer is an object of a controller class.
Data class is used to store the data of the objects.
Data classes are also called object classes.
Data classes are used to store the data of the objects.
Viewer is an object of a controller class.
Data class is used to store the data of the objects.
Data classes are also called object classes.
Viewer is an object of a controller class.
Data class is used to store the data of the objects.
Data classes are also called object classes.
Generate Itemset: Generate frequent itemset that has not already been generated by the program.
Generate Rule: Generate rules that have not already been generated by the program.
Generate Inclusion/Exclusion: Generate compound rules that are used in the inclusion/exclusion method.
Generate Projection: Generate projection rules that are used in the projection method.
Generate Apriori Algorithm: Generate Apriori Algorithm rules that are used in the algorithm method.
Generate Regex: Generate compound regular expression rules.
Generate CNF: Generate frequent co-occurring itemset rules that have not already been generated by the program.
Generate Compound Features: Generate compound feature rules.
Generate Top-k Itemset:

What’s New In Apriori Generator?


Apriori Generator was designed as an implementations of the Apriori algorithm.
Apriori Generator includes frequent itmeset generation, rule generation, and features counting support.
Apriori Generator is a tool that’s been developed using the Java programming language.

Related topics:

Frequent Itemset Generation
Ensemble generation
Features counting


Frequent Itemset Generation

Frequent Itemset generation can be used to generate itemsets from a database.
Usually, there are two ways to generate frequent itemsets:
1) using the existing Apriori algorithm.
2) using the frequent itemset features counting.

Frequent Itemset Generation Algorithm

The Apriori algorithm computes a frequent itemsets as the minimal frequent itemset.
The frequent itemset can be generated using the existing frequent itemset generation algorithm.

Frequent Itemset Generation by Frequent Itemset Features Counting

The algorithm of frequent itemset generation by frequent itemset features counting was developed.
The algorithm calculates the count of each feature and computes the features’ union and intersection.
The frequent itemset can be generated as the minimal frequent itemset.
The minimum frequent itemset can be generated using the union and intersection of all frequent itemsets.

Frequent Itemset Generation Program

Frequent Itemset Generation Program

Frequent Itemset Generation Program was developed as a frequent itemset generator using the frequent itemset features counting.
Frequent Itemset Generation Program is a tool that’s been developed using the Java programming language.
Frequent Itemset Generator provides a GUI to the tool.

Frequent Itemset Generation Program Features

– Apriori algorithm.
– Frequent itemset features counting.
– The GUI.
– The operation help.

Frequent Itemset Generator Programming:

Frequent Itemset Generator Program

Frequent Itemset Generator Program was developed as a frequent itemset generator using the frequent itemset features counting.
Frequent Itemset Generator Program provides an interface of the feature counting features in the tool.
Frequent Itemset Generator Program allows the user to change the rules or even the database.
Frequent Itemset Generator Program provides a set of the methods that are used for adding, removing, and deleting the frequent itemset features.
Frequent Itemset Generator Program allows the user to check the results.
Frequent Itemset Generator Program supports hierarchical generation, too.

Frequent Itemset Generator Program Main Features

– Frequent itemset features counting support.
– Minimum frequent itemset generation.
– The GUI.
– The operation help.

Frequent Itemset Generator Program Main Program

Frequent Itemset Generator Program

Frequent Itemset Generator Program was developed as a frequent itemset generator using the frequent itemset features counting.


System Requirements:

X64 compatible system with Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT, or Windows Me
2.0 GHz or faster
1 GB or more
150 MB or more
DirectX® version:
Video card:
GeForce 2 (or above) and NVidia GeForce 3 (or above) are supported, and required for VR, with Windows 7, Windows Vista


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