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Subscribe to The FanPosts.Algal acclimation to mercury, cadmium and zinc: diversity of expression and potential role of photosynthesis.
Mercury, cadmium, and zinc are toxic metal ions in freshwater habitats. Algal uptake of these metals has been documented by numerous studies, and in some cases, growth has been shown to improve. We examined the possible mechanisms regulating cyanobacterial growth under conditions toxic to the organisms. We found that growth rate and photosynthetic quantum yield did not increase in mixotrophic cyanobacteria (i.e., Nodularia spumigena, Trichormus sp.) subjected to elevated metal concentrations. Metals accumulated in the cells of those organisms, but there was no effect on photosynthesis. Dichotomous expression of the algal cadmium transporter, CdRPB, correlated with high and low growth rates on cadmium for seven strains of N. spumigena. Expression in two strains of Aphanizomenon was also positively correlated with high growth rate in enriched media. We suggest that acclimation could be a potential mechanism by which cyanobacteria mitigate toxicity.Evaluation of three types of vaginal cylinders for collection of high-fidelity human spermatozoa.
Vaginal ejaculatory disruption, in which the human male partner ejaculates into a condom or cup placed in the female vagina, is used to treat idiopathic infertility in a small number of cases. In these treatments, collection of high-fidelity (viable) sperm is important. The aim of the present study was to compare three different vaginal cylinders for collection of viable spermatozoa. Two hundred and twelve subjects were enrolled in an institutional review board-approved, single-institution, randomized, crossover clinical trial. Subjects had to mate once with partner A, twice with partner A, once with partner B, once with partner C, twice with partner B, twice with partner C, and once with partner D. After ejaculation, subjects were assigned to a randomization list, and one cylinder type was assigned to each subject. Subjects were given their assigned cylinder and instructed to wait 30 minutes. After the waiting period, the total number of spermatozoa and the percentage of viable spermatozo

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“Lets go to slave’s lab!” “Nope!” “Huh?” “Salvatore?!!?” “This is my lab!” “Well, I’ve been here working since you fell asleep.” “Lets go to the lab.”On their way there, they saw that Salvatore was not there. Sat in his lab. Went to save Lucy, but she was gone. And the FLP and AI were now in control of the lab. But as they entered the lab the two AI’s jumped on T-Rex and his.
. “Do you have any CDs?” “Of course I do.” “Can you give me some of them?”. I have. “Not all of them!” “Just one, I don’t care which.” “I have a few songs.” “Give me one.” 1/5/2013 1:21:14 AM – h.1 100.0 0.109
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